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Event Details

MLK 50 Rememrance & Rededicaton Ceremony

  • Dates: 01 Feb, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 1

Fort Wayne Campus
10 a.m. – The Rev. Dr. Timothy L. Lake, senior pastor at Union Baptist Church, to speak at Fort Wayne campus. Keynote address: "The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Love, Peace, and Courage" 

North Manchester Campus

2 p.m. – Formal groundbreaking ceremony for Jean Childs Young Intercultural Center.

2-4 p.m. – Reception in for the exhibit “Bending Toward Justice: Dr. King’s Visit and the Manchester Legacy.” It features MLK photos, a timeline of race relations at MU, vignettes of several people highlighted in the fall Manchester magazine, a short documentary of Ted Studebaker and an original painting of MLK by Manchester’s  own Jeff Diesburg. Exhibit Jan. 31-Feb. 28 in Otho Winger Hall, Link Gallery.

7 p.m. – Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance & Rededication Ceremony in Cordier Auditorium, with speaker Rev. Otis Moss, III, pastor of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. Keynote address: "Answering the Call" VIA