About Manchester

Event Details

Polar Plunge

  • Dates: 22 – 22 Feb, 2020
Saturday, Feb. 22
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Schedule for the day:
10-11:30 a.m. Registration
Noon Welcome/Opening comments/Costume contest judging
Noon-1:30 p.m. Plunging
1:30-2 p.m. After Splash Bash (lunch)

Manchester University, outside the PERC Auxiliary Gym

• Participants must raise a “bear” minimum of $75 for Special Olympics Indiana. All who raise the minimum are rewarded with an official event T-shirt, with additional Plunge Prizes and incentives available for those who go above and beyond.
• All participants must complete and submit a Release and Waiver of Liability.
• Participants must be at least 12 years old on the day of the Plunge. Those under the age of 18 must have a signature from a parent or guardian.

Costumes are highly encouraged!

Special awards in the following categories at the plunge:
Best Costume
Largest Group
Most Money Raised by an Individual
Most Money Raised by a Team

This year we have provided Manchester University as a central location for Wabash County and Kosciusko County to unite. All funds raised will help the local programs.

Register here: https://www.firstgiving.com/event/soindiana/Polar-Plunge-North-Mancheste

Tip: Please bring a change of clothing and a towel

Questions: If you need help registering, please stop by the Chinworth 103 Suite any time between 8-5 p.m.