About Manchester

Event Details

Francine's Friends Mobile Mammography

  • Dates: 12 – 12 Feb, 2021
Friday, Feb. 12
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Science Center Parking Lot
Call 260-483-1847 or 800-727-8439 ext. 68120 to schedule your appointment.

The Francine's Friends Mobile Mammography coach brings high-quality, lifesaving mammography screening to women across northeast Indiana at locations more convenient to their homes or workplaces.

The interior of the 40-foot-long motor coach is designed for complete privacy. X-ray technologists from the Breast Diagnostic Center staff the coach, which is furnished with the same FDA-approved and Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA)-approved equipment as the physical sites of the Breast Diagnostic Center.

Screening mammography through this mobile service is for women who:

  • Are age 35 and older and have not had a mammogram in the past 12 months
  • Are insured or uninsured

Many insurance plans are accepted, and funding is available to cover expenses for women who do not have sufficient financial resources.

COVID Policy:

  • A mask is required    
  • Only the patient is allowed in the motor coach, no guests or children permitted
  • Patients will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or recent exposure. If you have symptoms or have been providing care to someone with symptoms of COVID-19 we may ask you to reschedule. If you have a fever at or above 100.4° F is present, we will reschedule your appointment.