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Event Details

Manchester University Odds and Ends Theatre Workshop

  • Dates: 29 – 30 Apr, 2022
Friday, April 29, 6-10 p.m.
Saturday, April 30, 1-10 p.m.
Parkview Ballroom at the Eagles in Wabash
R.S.V.P. to Angelina Funk for workshops by 4/27agfunk@manchester.edu

The Theatre Department is putting on an Odds and Ends workshop that is free and open to the community as well. Anyone high school and up can take part.
April 29 events
6-9 p.m.Special Effect and Stage Makeup with Gabrielle McAfee
9-10 p.m. Distressing Costumes with Angelina Funk

April 30 events 
1-2 p.m. tour of the Eagles stage
2-4 p.m. Focus and movement workshop with Kira Lace Hawkins
4-6 p.m. Dance Technique and Musical Theatre Dance Audition Technique with Heather Closson
6-7 p.m. Dinner (must be RSVP's by 4/15)
7-10 p.m. Monologue Workshop with Angelina Funk
Transportation from the North Manchester campus will be provided for MU students.