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Event Details

VIA: "On Death and Dying"

  • Dates: 27 – 27 Feb, 2023
Location  Cordier Auditorium

Have you ever watched a person take their last breath and die? It is going to happen to all of us eventually but what, if anything, does it even mean? For some of us, Death has become ever present, looking over our shoulder and waiting until our time expires. This is not a horror story. This is your life. And it's ending one moment at a time. Charles Bukowski offered that "we are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us." We should not fear Death because we are alive and able to celebrate being alive. Dr. Nick Salupo ’13, DO, is a physician who trained in intensive care units at the peaks of the COVID-19 pandemic. He is an internist and bioethicist at Grandview Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio. He has learned that Death is not a stranger to be feared, but a companion on the journey toward a good life. Join us for a conversation on what it means to be human, a conversation On Dying.