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Event Details

Social Media: Its Power to Start the Conversation Around Sexual Violence (VIA)

  • Dates: 03 – 03 Apr, 2023
Contact  Jennifer Cheek
Location  Cordier Auditorium

KaLyn Banks Coghill is a professor and communications professional who has worked in the communications industry as an instructor and coordinator for over a decade. They are a Black non-binary femme poet, abortion doula, and community organizer. For their full-time work, they are the Digital Director for me too. International. Their passions are rooted in social justice, digital content creation, and gender-based violence research. They work closely with Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, a local abortion fund and reproductive justice organization, and they are a doctoral student studying gendered-based violence in online spaces.

This topic is a part of Manchester Sexual Assault Month programming, and important so students understand the topic of sexual violence generally, that victims are not alone, that it was not their fault, and what activists are doing to reduce the incidence of sexual violence.