About Manchester

Event Details

Friends of Manchester Golf Outing

  • Dates: 09 – 09 Jun, 2023

Manchester University Athletics is excited to announce that the 34th Annual Friends of Manchester Golf Outing will be held on Friday, June 9, 2023 at the beautiful Bridgewater Golf Club in Auburn, Ind. All proceeds and contributions support Spartan student-athletes, creating strong programs and championship teams while enhancing the athlete's experience through equipment and facility improvements.

Register: https://www.manchester.edu/alumni/events/friends-of-manchester-golf-outing/friends-of-manchester-golf-outing-registration 

Visit: https://www.manchester.edu/alumni/alumni-events

Schedule of Events

8 a.m.
Registration Opens
Breakfast is provided while you check out the driving range, meet up with a coach or just hang out!

9 a.m.
Shotgun Start
Join us for a welcome and the official instructions for the day.
Lunch will be available at the turn this year.

3 p.m.
Awards, Presentation, Food and Sparty Party Hour
Join us back at the Registration area for awards, light food, happy hour and a closing message from Athletic Director Rick Espeset.