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VIA: Social and Political Situation in Nicaragua since April 2018

  • Dates: 06 – 06 Nov, 2023

Social and Political Situation in Nicaragua since April 2018

Nicaragua flag

11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6, Cordier AuditoriumJoin former political prisoner and veterinarian Denis Antonio García Jirón, and political asylum requester and sports writer Camilo Velásquez ’07 to analyze the events that occurred in Nicaragua in 2018 and their repercussions on the country's population, the migration, the U.S. policies toward the regime, the forced exile of more than 300 opponents of the regime and possible solutions to a political coup. The currency of the issue and personal connection will help audience to understand better the political situation in Nicaragua, the transition to the U.S. and the suffering of peoples submerged in tyrannies in Latin America. Each of the presenters was a participant in the Manchester University Medical Practicum.  Denis Antonio García Jirón and his family now live in North Manchester.

Primary organizer: Jeff Osborne

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