Towards Microbial Biodegradation of Polystyrene
Speaker: Jeff Osborne

Affiliation: Professor of Chemistry Program Director of Biology-Chemistry Program Director of Global Health Manchester University
Event Details: Dr. Jeff Osborne is a Professor of Chemistry on the North Manchester campus. After undergraduate majors in chemistry and biology at Goshen College, he completed his Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, studying membrane protein structure/function relationships under the guidance of Robert Gennis, with a focus on cytochrome oxidase (Complex IV) in the aerobic respiratory chain. He then transitioned into microbial biodegradation research through a postdoctoral position at the University of Minnesota in Larry Wackett's lab, specializing breakdown of the herbicide atrazine. Now in his 20th year at Manchester, he directs the Biology-Chemistry Program, containing most of the pre-med, pre-dental, and pre-pharmacy students, as well as the Medical Practicum Program, in which he has led short-term experiences in global health to Central America over 14 January Sessions to date.
The Spring 2024 Series will be in-person (in MUFW 136) and/or live-streamed. All sessions will be recorded. To access a recording of the session, please contact Dr. Wei Lei (