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MU senior to share about her work with autistic child

Emma NellansEmma Nellans will present “Autism Awareness: My Work with One Extraordinary Child” at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, in Cordier Auditorium on the North Manchester campus of Manchester University. 

The event is free and is open to the public. 

Nellans will be the first Manchester senior in years to present in the newly revived Senior Series program. It allows students from the senior class to present topics of their choosing to their peers.

The Argos, Ind., native became passionate about autism awareness five years ago, after she was asked to babysit her cousins, one of whom is affected by autism. It really hit home for her at that point, she said.

Working with a child who has severe, non-verbal autism opened her eyes about the challenges and triumphs. She says it is important to understand that every child with autism is different from another.

A guest speaker from the Lighthouse Autism Center in Warsaw, Ind., will also share an in-depth look at applied behavioral analysis therapy and how it can help children with autism. 

The Manchester senior is studying elementary education with a concentration in mild intervention. The designation qualifies her to work with students who have mild disabilities

Nellans hopes to pursue a career in ABA therapy after graduating from Manchester.  

As a Fast Forward student, graduating in three years, she has taken courses during the summers and full course loads during the school year.

The presentation is part of the Values, Ideas and the Arts series at the University.

Prepared with assistance by Tiana Maclin, communications assistant.

Oct. 30, 2015