In the News

Ahmed Abdelmageed, Pharm.D., director of Experiential Education in the Pharmacy Program, far left, spoke at a peace vigil in Fort Wayne a day after the mass shooting in Orlando.

Manchester University statement after 2016 Orlando mass shooting

MU Peace Pole: May Peace Prevail on EarthThere are no words to adequately express our profound sadness and outrage at Sunday’s massacre in Orlando. We hold in our hearts the victims and all who loved them.

At Manchester, we respect the infinite worth of every individual and work to build a world that resists hatred and intolerance in all of its forms. We stand with the LGBTQIA+ community and those who are under attack because of their faith.

The diverse faiths of the MU community call us to make the world a kinder and better place, establish justice, build peace amid strife, and model lives of agape (selfless love), tikkun olam (repairing a broken world), and salam (peace).

We encourage members of the MU community to reach out with compassion to those who are in pain, to volunteer, to speak out.

June 2016