Tuition and Fees - Doctor of Pharmacy Program


Tuition, fees and estimated expenses for students in their P1, P2, and P3 years for the 2018-2019 are $55,310 and break down as follows:

Direct Costs
(Student billed directly by Manchester University)
Tuition (Students entering their P1, P2, or P3 year)
Facility Fee
(Fee covers program laptop, support, infrastructure and access to online textbook resources)
Direct Estimated Total Costs

Indirect Costs- Off Campus Students
(Approximate fees that are paid to third parties)
Transportation (To school and experiential sites around area/region)
Personal/Miscellaneous Expenses
Background Check/Drug Screening
(Estimated annual cost)
Required Immunizations
(Approximate first year cost - varies per student)
Licensure and Certification Fees
(Estimated annual cost)
Housing/Food Allowance
Approximate Loan Fees
Indirect Estimated Total Costs
Students in their P4 year have total estimated expenses (including tuition and fees) of $63,032 for the 2018-2019 academic year. See the breakdown of 4th Year Pharmacy Student Tuition here.


Proof of health insurance is required for entry into and progression through the Doctor of Pharmacy Program as part of the experiential education component. Though not included in the cost of attendance figures above, students should budget for health insurance coverage. Based on a student survey from February 2015, the average cost of health insurance for Manchester students was $2,000/year. Health insurance is not offered through the University; students are directed to the Healthcare Marketplace for health insurance options.

What financial aid is available? >