Mark W. Huntington, Dean for Natural & Health Sciences
Dr. Mark Huntington began his responsibilities as the Dean for Natural and Health Sciences in the College of Pharmacy, Natural and Health Sciences at Manchester University in April, 2017. He previously served in the role of Associate Dean for Natural and Health Sciences since October, 2015. Dr. Huntington earned his BS in Biology from Manchester University, his MS in Physical Therapy from Boston University, and his doctorate in Physical Education Administration and Human Anatomy from Indiana University. Mark is also a certified athletic trainer and licensed physical therapist. He has been a long-time Manchester faculty member, starting as the University’s first certified athletic trainer in 1984; his teaching specialties include exercise physiology and human anatomy and his clinical specialty is musculoskeletal assessment. Mark has previously served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Chair of the Exercise Science and Athletic Training Department, and has been instrumental in developing nationally accredited undergraduate and graduate programs in athletic training at MU.