College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

Experiential Learning

Students in the department get to take advantage of research opportunities, outdoor classrooms and worldwide travel to build upon their classroom education.

Outdoor Classrooms


Manchester University’s campus features multiple ecosystems that students can study on their journey to a biology major. In less than a 5-minute walk from the Science Center, students can explore prairies, forests, and rivers. 


Manchester University also owns and operates The Koinonia Environmental and Retreat Center, only a 15-minute drive away. Koinonia is about 100 acres filled with diverse ecosystems including forests at different growth stages, wetlands, streams, and a large lake, a perfect place to study ecology!

Study Away


Development of Modern Scientific Thought
Students travel to London to visit museums and historically important scientific moments. During this trip, they improve their critical thinking and interdisciplinary skills by examining how history, politics, social structure, and religion played a role in shaping science. 


Medical Practicum 
Each January session, a group of Manchester students, faculty and health professionals (physicians, dentists, pharmacists and nurses) travel to Guatemala where they establish a health clinic in a remote area of the country. This international trip gives students interested in public health, the medical field or social services an opportunity to gain hands-on experience helping people, as well as a cultural experience they will take with them the rest of their lives.