Ben Miles

Athletic Training 3+2 | Fort Wayne, Ind.

Discovery Through Participation

Ben Miles is all about trying new things. In the process, he’s discovered new passions and made lots of new friends. “I used to be quiet and reserved,” says Ben, “but hanging out with more extroverted people has made me more outgoing.”

For Ben, outgoing has meant “out going.” When he’s not in class, he is out going to A Cappella Choir rehearsal, activities for the Honors Program, Manchester Catholics and intramurals. He is also out going to practices for cross country and track and field – a close-knit community at Manchester in which Ben has many friends.


Cross Country, A Cappella Choir, Honors Program, Manchester Catholics, Intramurals

Favorite Hangouts 

The Mall, Science Center, Sisters Cafe, and Wilbur's

Recommended Faculty and Staff

Dr. Heather Schilling, Dr. Tim McKenna-Buchanan, Brian Cashdollar, Dr. Cassie Gohn

Recommended Classes

Human Anatomy or Canadian Literature

What People May Not Know About MU

There is always something to do on campus, whether it's planned or just made up on the spot!

Advice for Students Looking at MU

Get involved early! You never know what may pique your interest!

“Do what interests you, but also do things that are going to challenge you and open yourself up to new people.”

A Plan for Career Success
Ben chose Manchester for its outstanding athletic training program – a career aspiration since 8th grade. “Playing football, I had a couple injuries, and the athletic trainers at my school were really cool and piqued my interest.”

He’s following the 3+2 program that starts with a major in clinical and rehabilitation sciences and transitions to the Master of Athletic Training Program. “The goal is to end up in professional sports – maybe baseball.” His Spanish minor can help him stand out, too. “The Spanish will make me more marketable in any job that I pursue,” Ben predicts.

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