
VIA: The Kaepernick Effect: War, Racism, and the 21st century SportsWorld
  • 11
  • 11:00 AM
  • 12:00 PM

11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 11, Cordier Auditorium

Dave Zirin

This is a volatile time in the world of sports. Great controversy has been raised by the outspokenness of athletes on a host of social issues, especially racism. This talk will explore the politics of the 21st-century athlete and argue that we need to listen to what athletes have to say.

Dave Zirin has written eleven books on the politics of sports, including The Kaepernick EffectThe John Carlos Story, and Jim Brown: Last Man Standing. Check out his podcast, Edge of Sports.

This program is sponsored by the Class of 1968 Peace and Social Justice Fund and the Ira W. and Mable Winger Moomaw Fund. The public is welcome.

Primary organizer: Katy Gray Brown