
VIA: The Timing of Peace and Violence
  • 23
  • 11:00 AM
  • 12:00 PM

The Timing of Peace and Violence 

Maggie Elwell

11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 23, Cordier Auditorium
The movement of time affects how we experience peace and violence. Fast, slow, structural, spectacular: Time matters when we discuss what we ought to do to build a better world. How do we continue to pay attention to the issues of peace and justice that matter to us when little seems to be happening? How do we respond to events that demand immediate responses? This presentation digs into questions of the speeds of peace and violence for people concerned about enacting justice and building peace in our time. Presenter Margaret (Maggie) Elwell is assistant professor of peace studies at Bethany Seminary. She is a long-distance runner and is at work on a project about the intersection of peacemaking and experiential learning. 

Primary organizer: Katy Gray Brown