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Megan Julian ’07 Sarber builds connections as the new alumni relations director

Major at Manchester: Communication studieslarge_megan_20142
Hometown: Greenville, Ohio
Family: husband Jody Sarber’ 07, and daughters Emersyn, 11, and Ainsley, 8

Q. Why did you choose Manchester as a student?
A. I actually transferred to Manchester my sophomore year. I spent my freshman year at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, but found it to be too big. I got lost in the crowd there. I knew I wasn’t going to return in the fall. My mom, Janet Witwer ’80 Julian, attended Manchester and one day I just started poking around on the Manchester website. I ran cross country and track in high school and, even though I had no plans to run at the collegiate level, I found I missed being a part of a team. I contacted Coach Brian Cashdollar and once I found out I could be part of the team, I was hooked!

Q. What were the best parts of your student experience?
So many things. The cross country team was a huge part of my student life. I made several lifelong friends with my teammates. And I met my husband, Jody, who also ran at Manchester. The professors! In addition to transferring, I changed my major from elementary education to communication studies. I remember meeting with Dr. Marcia Benjamin for the first time to talk about what I could do with a degree in communications. She was so kind and patient with me as I questioned my future. I also took a January session trip with Mark Angelos to Spain. That experience will stay with me forever!

Q. Why did you and Jody stay in North Manchester?
Jody did his student teaching at Manchester Jr.-Sr. High School and was able to get a teaching job there right out of college. The longer we stayed here and made connections within the community and our church (Manchester Church of the Brethren), the more we loved it.

Q. Why are you excited about being alumni director?
I love Manchester so much and I know other alumni do too. I’m excited to build alumni engagement, to build the relationship between Manchester and alumni. Alumni have so much to offer our current students – be it internships or job opportunities, life advice, financial contributions, and just general support for graduating more students of ability and conviction. I’m just excited to be able to offer opportunities for alumni to reconnect with classmates, professors, and current students.

Q. What do you most enjoy about working with MU alumni?
Their stories of their experiences at Manchester, for sure! Some are pretty unbelievable. I’m blown away at how much Manchester has shaped the course of life for several alumni and what they’ve accomplished after their time at Manchester.

Q. Why are you proud to be a Manchester graduate?
I am proud that I graduated from an institution that respects the infinite worth of every individual. Also, I learned from some of the most compassionate people who challenged me to think critically and ask questions.

Q. What are some of the first things you’d like to accomplish as alumni director?
There is a lot of opportunity to collaborate with offices across campus to enhance alumni engagement such as admissions, career and professional development and church relations.

Q. Why should alumni stay connected and engaged with their alma mater?
To stay hip with the young people! 😊 Just kidding. Again, opportunities abound. You never know what could happen when you attend an alumni event or even comment on a Facebook post! You might rekindle a relationship with an old friend, connect with a current student who would be an amazing fit for that job opening at your school or company, or learn about a new program Manchester is bold enough to start because we want to change the world. Plus, it’s just fun to reminisce!

Q. What do you enjoy most about working at Manchester?
The people, for sure. And the fact that we are all working together to help put more Manchester graduates out there in the world. And doesn’t the world need more Manchester graduates?

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