Posted Aug. 19 – The following faculty presented at the 2021-22 Indiana Pharmacy Teaching Certificate program Aug. 12 and 13 via synchronous sessions and asynchronous recordings. The primary goal was to provide pharmacy residents, fellows, graduate students and pharmacists an opportunity to enhance their teaching skills:
Ryan Ades, director of experiential education and assistant professor of pharmacy practice, “Superstar Preceptors: How to Develop into a Preceptor Powerhouse”
Rob Beckett, associate professor of pharmacy practice and director of the Drug Information Center, “Designing an Effective Educational Session”
Teresa DeLellis, associate professor of pharmacy practice, “Effectively Integrating Experiential Students into Clinical Practice”
Melissa Gratz, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, “Panel Discussion: Junior Faculty”
Andrea Wilhite, associate professor of pharmacy practice, “Establishing Classroom Rapport”