Student health and safety are of primary concern at Manchester University. As such, in cases of serious intoxication and/or alcohol poisoning the University encourages individuals to seek medical assistance for themselves or others. If an individual seeks medical attention due to his/her own level of intoxication which reasonably appears to create serious and immediate risk to the individual, the Manchester University conduct system may not pursue disciplinary sanctions against the student for violations of the Alcohol or Drug Policy of the Code of Conduct. Additionally, those students who assist in obtaining medical attention may also not receive disciplinary sanctions for violations of the Alcohol Policy of the Code of Conduct.
To request Medical Amnesty consideration, an application MUST be completed and submitted online to the Student Experience Center within three working days of the offense. Click here for the application.
When Medical Amnesty is applied, the intoxicated student (and possibly the student who called for medical assistance) will be required to meet with the Dean of Student Experience or his designee, who may issue educational requirements which may include, but are not limited to: alcohol and/or drug education, counseling, and/or a substance abuse assessment. Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern and response. Failure to complete educational assignments or treatment recommendations issued under this policy typically will result in disciplinary action. The student will be responsible for any costs associated with alcohol/drug education interventions. In most cases, a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents or legal guardian if the student is under 21 years of age.
Medical Amnesty does not preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violations of the Code of Conduct (not related to the Alcohol or Drug Policy). Likewise, Medical Amnesty does not prevent action by North Manchester police or other law enforcement personnel. The Indiana Lifeline law does protect someone under the age of 21 who has been drinking and calls for medical assistance for someone who is under the influence of alcohol or another substance. The caller will need to remain with the person in need of medical attention and cooperate with the police/medical authorities upon arrival.
If the student is involved in any subsequent (i.e. repeat) alcohol and/or drug abuse incidents and applies for Medical Amnesty, the situation will be evaluated by the Student Experience Office. The availability of Medical Amnesty for students with repetitive violations will be determined on a case by case basis. Typically, repetitive violations will be handled through the regular conduct process and will be considered for sanctioning purposes if a student does not demonstrate a commitment to the steps recommended by the staff and/or health care professional(s) and is involved in repetitive alcohol and/or drug abuse incidents.
· Medical Amnesty may be applied for the MU student who actively assists by initiating and seeking medical assistance and/or medical treatment on behalf of themselves, another student, or a friend
· Actively assisting requires that an individual:
o Call North Manchester Police (260-982-8555 or 911) or seek another individual qualified to assess the student’s condition such as a Resident Assistant (RA) or Student Health Assistant or Hall Director (HD) or University Safety
o Monitor the intoxicated student’s condition until help arrives.
· The following are not covered by the Medical Amnesty Policy:
o Students waiting, but not actively involved in seeking medical assistance or actively monitoring the student in need until the police or other authority arrive
o Action by police or other law enforcement personnel
o Violations of the Code of Conduct other than the Alcohol/Drugs Policy
o Possession with the intent to distribute drugs.