Manchester University
Oak Leaves

April 15, 2016

Former Goshen Art Professor Displays Work in Gallery G

Caitlin Doyle

Judy Wenig-Horswell‘s art, as represented in media from jewelry and sculptures to ceramics and watercolors, is currently on exhibit in Gallery G of the Jo Young Switzer Center (JYSC). This retired art professor from Goshen College has a strong Manchester connection: She studied with then-history professor David Waas on a faculty trip to Kenya, Zimbabwe and Malawi in the 1990’s.

Since she retired from teaching in 2009, Wenig-Horswell has had more time to devote to developing her own artistic style further. “It has been exciting to return to painting and to ceramics in a more serious way,” she said. “I discovered that, while I did not actually work in these media much during my teaching career, I observed and learned many things through my teaching experiences and environment that have enriched what I am now doing in all media.” Wenig-Horswell said she is starting a new work that will be a series of rings and more ceramic sculptures.

Her advice to other artists would be to “get feedback from instructors, classmates and others and listen carefully.”  But she notes: “In the end, you will have to decide what to keep that is important for you from all this.”

“Keep a record of your work in all media and levels of competence,” she continues. “Ten, 20 years from now you can look back and see how you have grown/evolved and sometimes, see the kernel of the essence of your work.”

Beyond her artwork in galleries, she is making art through the Goshen Jewelers’ Guild (GJG). This group was created in April 2012 to complement other art guilds in the area. They began with 10 members and now have a total of 12 full members with 24/7 access to the studio. They also have access to the offered classes at half the cost. The amount of associate members has doubled from two to four in the past three years as well. An associate member has no studio access (mostly because they have their own), but they do wish to support the guild. The classes offered in fabrication, enameling, or lost-wax casting are normally done between four and six times each year.

The guild strives to give back to their community as well. At the Goshen Farmers’ Market, members show or sell their work, including member-made ornaments as part of a fundraiser. Last year, all proceeds from the sales were donated to the newly established Goshen Youth Arts Organization.

Wenig-Horswell expects membership in GJG to continue to grow slowly. “It will be a mix of persons who are interested at various levels in adornment or metalworking,” she said. “I want GJG to maintain a foundation of support for these varied interests while also broadening exposure to tools and techniques.”