The World Struts down the Runway
Jensen Lassiter
Fashion lovers rejoice! The highly anticipated, biannual International Fashion Show will take place Friday, Nov. 18 in Cordier Auditorium. The show starts at 7 and will end around 8:15.
The International Fashion Show will award VIA credit to the students who attend.
Since its debut in 2004, The International Fashion Show has hosted several themes, all focused on displaying cultural aspects such as fashion, music and dance from different cultures. Seeing trends from different societies mixed together and laced into a theme gives students an oppor-tunity to view different fashions from around the world firsthand. "We've had different themes over the years, such as Fashion the MC Way, The Continental Drift, and Under the Same Moon,” said Mariam Aly-Ibrahim, one of the student organizers. “This year, our theme is The World From A to Z."
A lot of hard work is needed to put on such a complex show, and thanks to the students’ efforts, the payoff is significant. "My favorite part has been the joy this show has brought to our volunteers,” Aly-Ibrahim said. “Being part of this is a lot of work, and seeing how much people enjoy spending time together to work on this is absolutely amazing.
"I'm really excited for the day of the show and to see people's reactions,” she continued. “We've been putting a lot of work into this and we have a lot of countries represented this year."
The World From A to Z will focus on different cultural styles in fashion and will present many types of clothing. "[This show] focuses on portraying different cultures and showing the student body and the community their different clothing,” Aly-Ibrahim said. “The last International Fash-ion Show (2014) and the one coming up in a couple of weeks are VIAs, so we really started add-ing more to the educational part of it. We’re not just focusing on the clothing, but also when they are worn, what they're called.
"This is a great opportunity to learn about different countries and their cultures,” she con-tinued. “It's not every day that you get to learn about places like Japan, the Philippines, Ghana and so many more countries through their clothing.”