Congratulations, Manchester University Class of 2018!
Clayton Adamson, bachelor’s degree, sport management
Ahmed Adow, doctoral degree pharmacy
Kehinde Afolabi , doctoral degree pharmacy
Jacob Ahlgrain, cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Rosary Ajaelu, doctoral degree pharmacy
Mary Alsakka, doctoral degree pharmacy
Mariam Aly Ibrahim, cum laude, bachelor’s degree political science, psychology
Sambo Amaza, bachelor’s degree economics
Emily Anderson, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree accounting
Ashlee Armstrong, bachelor’s degree management
Alexander Arney, bachelor’s degree finance
Madison Asbell, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Katy Ashpole, bachelor’s degree cum laude, bachelor’s degree psychology, religious studies
Leilte Assefa, bachelor’s degree political science
Ryan Auker, bachelor’s degree computer science
Nicholas Baker, bachelor’s degree mathematics
Alivia Banks, cum laude, bachelor’s degree mathematics, chemistry
Peyton Banks, bachelor’s degree religious studies, biology-chemistry
Terrence Banks, bachelor’s degree sport management
Tristan Barley, cum laude, bachelor’s degree environmental studies, biology
Ahmad Bazzi, doctoral degree pharmacy
Hussein Bazzi, doctoral degree pharmacy
Evan Beakas, cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Garrett Bear, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Eric Beard, bachelor’s degree chemistry
Enis Becirevic, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Ermin Begovic, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ramsen Bet-Nimrod, bachelor’s degree marketing
Macy Bischoff, bachelor’s degree sport management
Brandon Blackmer, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Tara Boelke, doctoral degree pharmacy
Elizabeth Boettner, bachelor’s degree environmental studies, biology
Samantha Bolen, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Chelsea Bolinger, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Jared Bourff, bachelor’s degree physical education
Taylor Boxell, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Monica Brace, bachelor’s degree management
Jonathan Brann, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Katie Breidenbach Wooding, cum laude, bachelor’s degree peace studies
Joel Brenneman, bachelor’s degree chemistry
Kara Breuckman, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Lindsey Bridgeman, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Sydney Brobst, bachelor’s degree early childhood and elementary education
Hannah Brown, bachelor’s degree peace studies
Katherine Brown, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Makenna Brown, bachelor’s degree athletic training, exercise science and fitness
Rachel Brown, master’s degree athletic training
James Bryant, doctoral degree pharmacy
Lauren Burish, master’s degree athletic training
Catherine Byers, cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Stephanie Camargo, bachelor’s degree Spanish
Jaclyn Capes, bachelor’s degree criminal justice
Gabriell Carney, bachelor’s degree social work, criminal justice
Maggie Carpenter, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Lacey Carr, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Hannah Carrasco, doctoral degree in pharmacy
Daniel Cassel, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Christian Castillo, bachelor’s degree educational studies, history
Jacey Cauhorn, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Tabo Chata, bachelor’s degree engineering science
Michael Cheesman, cum laude, bachelor’s degree accounting, finance
Victoria Christlieb, bachelor’s degree early childhood and elementary education
Emily Clark, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Tyler Coffel, bachelor’s degree accounting, finance
Tierra Cogdell, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Channing Collins, bachelor’s degree criminal justice
Isaac Collis, bachelor’s degree environmental studies, biology
Raven Conner, doctoral degree pharmacy
Holly Conway, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Broderic Cook, bachelor’s degree early childhood and elementary education
Patricia Cook, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Emily Cooley, doctoral degree pharmacy
Erin Cordill, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Seth Correll, bachelor’s degree biology
Kimberly Cox, doctoral degree pharmacy
Kelsey Crawford, bachelor’s degree educational studies, religious studies
Taylor Crisman, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree psychology, educational studies
Dustin Cunningham, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness, educational studies
Loche Daiss, bachelor’s degree management, sales
Carolyn Darrow, bachelor’s degree religious studies, sociology
Robert Davis, bachelor’s degree history
Mikayla Deisler, bachelor’s degree social work
Blake Denton, bachelor’s degree social work
Laura Dickey, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Daniel Dieckmann, bachelor’s degree business management, sales
Nicole Dombek, cum laude, bachelor’s degree management, marketing
Parker Dorothy, bachelor’s degree sport management
Caitlin Doyle, bachelor’s degree marketing, sales
Olivia Drake, doctoral degree pharmacy
Cory Dyer, bachelor’s degree sociology
Angela Ebert, bachelor’s degree instrumental music education
Brandon Eck, bachelor’s degree management
Noah Edelman, bachelor’s degree management
Jordan Elick, bachelor’s degree marketing
Trevor Engle, master’s degree athletic training
Jennifer Erdman, cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Megan Erwin, bachelor’s degree criminal justice
Fadi Esho, doctoral degree pharmacy
Christopher Eubank, bachelor’s degree management
Nicholas Eubank, bachelor’s degree sales
Rozta Fawzy, doctoral degree pharmacy
Taylor Ferrill, bachelor’s degree biology environmental studies
Justin Fidnarik, bachelor’s degree physical education
Alexis Figueroa, bachelor’s degree summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree chemistry, exercise science and fitness
Baileigh Fleming, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Carissa Fockler, cum laude, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Brady Forman, bachelor’s degree management
Shyan Fortuna, bachelor’s degree psychology
Drew Foster, bachelor’s degree history
Ethan Foster, bachelor’s degree sport management
Audriana Fuentes, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree English/language arts education
Alexandra Furnish, master’s degree athletic training
Hunter Gaerte, bachelor’s degree physical education
Wesley Gall, bachelor’s degree psychology
Melissa Gasmen, doctoral degree pharmacy
Matthew Gasper, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Simmeon Gastineau, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
David Gee, bachelor’s degree sport management
Michael Giannangeli, doctoral degree pharmacy
Adam Gibson, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Andrew Giles, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Gurpreet Gill, doctoral degree pharmacy
Emily Giorgi, master’s degree athletic training
Tyler Gipson, bachelor’s degree accounting, marketing
Natalie Gossett, doctoral degree pharmacy
Tamarah Gourgue, doctoral degree pharmacy
Lucas Gramman , bachelor’s degree accounting, finance
Sandra Granda-Acosta, bachelor’s degree accounting
Caitlin Granfield, master’s degree pharmacogenomics
Nathan Gregory, doctoral degree pharmacy
Lori Grossman, doctoral degree pharmacy
Matthew Grothouse, cum laude, bachelor’s degree history
Frehiwot Gudeta, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree computer science
Shane Gurley, doctoral degree pharmacy
Dinh Ha , doctoral degree pharmacy
Emily Haecker, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Sarah Haidar-Ahmad, doctoral degree pharmacy
Lena Hakim, doctoral degree pharmacy
Makayla Boards , bachelor’s degree psychology
Chelsea Hamilton, cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Alissa Hanni, bachelor’s degree general business, management
McKenzie Hare, bachelor’s degree music
Annika Harley, cum laude, bachelor’s degree social work, peace studies
Shelby Harrell, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Blake Harris, bachelor’s degree psychology
Cerasela Harris, bachelor’s degree social work
Kolton Hawkins, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Deric Haynes, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Luke Headings, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Samantha Henderson, bachelor’s degree criminal justice
Andrea Hernandez, bachelor’s degree sport management
Justin Herrmann, bachelor’s degree marketing
Courtney Hersick, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Katlyn Hersick, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Ethan Hines, bachelor’s degree communication studies, educational studies
Dylan Holiday, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Christopher Holston, cum laude, bachelor’s degree accounting
Nico Hoon, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Emily Hopkins, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Alli House, doctoral degree pharmacy
Tyler Hudson, master’s degree athletic training
Taylor Hughes, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Bret Hunter, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Emma Hyndman, bachelor’s degree peace studies
Elias Ibrahim, bachelor’s degree computer science
Fidelis Ifeanyi Ariguzo, doctoral degree pharmacy
Cassandra Imhoff, bachelor’s degree management
Elizabeth Jacobs, bachelor’s degree mathematics
Eric Jagger, cum laude, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Hannah Janson, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Olivia Janson, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Chelsea Jasper, bachelor’s degree exercise science & fitness
David Jaworski, bachelor’s degree management, marketing
Rebekah Jefferson, bachelor’s degree psychology
Olivia Jenks, cum laude, bachelor’s degree chemistry
Mallorie Jennings, bachelor’s degree accounting
Alyssa Johnson, cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Nicholas Johnston, bachelor’s degree sales
Delanie Jones, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Joseph Jones, bachelor’s degree management
Tanita Kadirova, bachelor’s degree political science, philosophy
Karen Kanyike, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Farouk Kassem, doctoral degree pharmacy
Paige Keller, cum laude, bachelor’s degree physical education
Reid Kennison, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ryan Kerschner, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Brody Kirby, cum laude, bachelor’s degree business management, sales
Eric Knepper, bachelor’s degree business management
Ciara Knisely, cum laude, English
Shianna Knoll, bachelor’s degree educational studies, communication studies
Alexis Koebcke, bachelor’s degree biology, environmental studies
Brittany Koehl, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Alison Koelling, cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Taylor Kopplin, bachelor’s degree sport management, management
Alexandra Kreider, cum laude, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Abigail Krupp, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Samah Kutom, doctoral degree pharmacy
Laurren Ladwig, bachelor’s degree management
Morgan Rimstidt, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ashley Landon, cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology
Yafet Leake, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Ashlyn Leamon, bachelor’s degree political science
Jennifer Lichtman, master’s degree athletic training
Aaron Lloyd, bachelor’s degree English
Joshua Long, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Taylor Loshe, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Kyler Love, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Justin Lukens, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Shaden Mahjoob, doctoral degree pharmacy
Denisse Marioni, doctoral degree pharmacy
Zachary Martin, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Allison Martin, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ciara Maxwell, master’s degree athletic training
Riley McCrea, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Mitchell McDonald, bachelor’s degree sport management
Melat Mebrahtu, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Jose Medina Sigala, bachelor’s degree management, marketing
Joshua Melton, bachelor’s degree environmental studies, biology
Joseph Merriman, bachelor’s degree biology
Benjamin Miller , cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology
Josh Miller, bachelor’s degree sport management
Aubrey Mills, doctoral degree pharmacy
Bethany Molnar, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Kaitlin Montagano, magna cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Blake Moore, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree communication studies, sport management
Ashley Muhlenkamp, bachelor’s degree psychology
Claire Mumma, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Chandler Mynhier, bachelor’s degree marketing
Anthony Namenye, bachelor’s degree computer science
Hannah Napier, bachelor’s degree social work
Addison Neher, bachelor’s degree accounting, peace studies, educational studies
Dakota Nelson, bachelor’s degree sport management
Pfeiffer Neubert, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Lawrence Neumann Jr. , bachelor’s degree art
Nicholas Newcomer, bachelor’s degree accounting
Adam Newport, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Seng Ngang, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ngoc Nguyen, doctoral degree pharmacy
Tobechukwu Nwaelugo, bachelor’s degree political science
Noah Oben, doctoral degree pharmacy
Anayo Ohiri, cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Caitlin O'Quinn, bachelor’s degree religious studies, political science
Tod Oram, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Nicole Osborne, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Mitchell Oskam, bachelor’s degree management
Mark Osmialowski II, bachelor’s degree adapted physical education
Leif Pallo, bachelor’s degree history, economics
Katie Pappas, doctoral degree pharmacy
Tyler Parish, master’s degree athletic training
Jiwoo Park, bachelor’s degree psychology
Haylee Parrish, cum laude, bachelor’s degree English
Bailey Partington, bachelor’s degree criminal justice
Nicky Patel, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Nikita Patel, master’s degree pharmacogenomics
Hursh Patel, doctoral degree pharmacy
Mihika Patel, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ronak Patel, doctoral degree pharmacy
Yamini Patel, doctoral degree pharmacy
Seth Patrick, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Jane Paul, doctoral degree pharmacy
Katie Peden, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Garrett Phelps, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Vasuki Pilli, doctoral degree pharmacy
Stephen Pinarski, bachelor’s degree sport management, business management
Lisa Pineros Jacobs, doctoral degree pharmacy
Linda Pio, doctoral degree pharmacy
Landon Poulson, doctoral degree pharmacy
Mary Powell, bachelor’s degree English
Kaitlin Powers, bachelor’s degree psychology
Karly Prichard, magna cum laude, communication Studies
Sarah Pritt, bachelor’s degree psychology
Jennifer Pudlo, cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Savannah Pugmire, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Kaylyn Rager, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree medical technology
Jawdat Raghah, bachelor’s degree economics
Maureen Rammel, bachelor’s degree psychology
Darryl Ray Jr., bachelor’s degree communication studies
Brittany Reese, doctoral degree pharmacy
Daniel Reyes, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Travis Richardson, bachelor’s degree marketing, finance
Ashleigh Ridenour, summa cum laude, bachelor’s degree psychology, educational studies
Sean Rizvic, bachelor’s degree peace studies, mathematics
Alex Roberts, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Cassandra Roberts, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Nichaela Rock, bachelor’s degree elementary education
Luis Rodriguez, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ellynn Rolett, master’s degree athletic training
Kelsey Ropp, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Austin Rosen, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Alexandria Roskos, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Jack Ruhl, master’s degree athletic training
James Rushing, bachelor’s degree psychology
Austyn Rybicki, bachelor’s degree business management, sport management
Rachael Samm, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Franklin Sammons, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Wendy Sandoval, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Alek Seeley, bachelor’s degree biology
Cole Sellers, bachelor’s degree biology
Peter Shepherd, bachelor’s degree sales
Devon Sheward, bachelor’s degree sport management
Spencer Shore, cum laude, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Sydney Sims, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Mallory Sims, cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Leah Smith, cum laude, bachelor’s degree psychology
Dakota Smith, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Ian Smith, bachelor’s degree political science
Joseph Smith II, bachelor’s degree sport management
Katherine Smith , bachelor’s degree accounting
Kody Smith, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Wayne Smith, bachelor’s degree communication studies
Courtney Smith, doctoral degree pharmacy
Samantha Smock, bachelor’s degree economics, finance
Brock Spangle, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Micah Spurgeon, magna cum laude, doctoral degree pharmacy
Dakota Steele, bachelor’s degree sport management
Abagail Stefanatos, cum laude, bachelor’s degree history
Sara Stefanatos, bachelor’s degree religious studies, peace studies
Braydin Stell, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Abigail Stewart, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Zachary Stiers, bachelor’s degree marketing, sales
Hannah Stouffer, , bachelor’s degree music
Landon Stratford, bachelor’s degree accounting, finance
Adam Strebig, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Nathen Swafford, bachelor’s degree biology
Paige Swary, bachelor’s degree social work, educational studies
Thomas Swinehart, doctoral degree pharmacy
Osmaan Syed, doctoral degree pharmacy
Kevin Tammen, doctoral degree pharmacy
Ashlyn Teders BS Summa cum laude Biology-Chemistry
Blen Teferi BS Engineering Science
Kidist Tessema BS Magna cum laude Engineering Science
Jana Thibos, bachelor’s degree management, sales
Spencer Thomas, bachelor’s degree communication Studies
Rachael Thompson, doctoral degree pharmacy
Judy Truong, cum laude, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Alec Trzeciak, bachelor’s degree management
Jacob Tucker, bachelor’s degree history
Kinsey Ueber, doctoral degree pharmacy
Sierra VanCoutren, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Brooke Vonada, doctoral degree pharmacy
Madisyn Walter, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Jasjeet Waraitch, doctoral degree pharmacy
Aubrey West, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Stephanie Wheeler, master’s degree pharmacogenomics
Brandy Whitaker, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Elena White, cum laude, bachelor’s degree athletic training
Whitney White, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Eric Wietholter, bachelor’s degree accounting
Nathan Wilkerson, bachelor’s degree chemistry
Bradley Williams, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree history
Robbiccaa Williams, master’s degree athletic training
Kyle Williams, doctoral degree pharmacy
Zander Willoughby, cum laude, bachelor’s degree political science, French
Amber Willwerth, cum laude, bachelor’s degree psychology, educational studies
Chase Wilson, bachelor’s degree environmental studies
Tristan Wilson, bachelor’s degree educational studies
Maame Wireku, doctoral degree pharmacy
Matthew Wirick, bachelor’s degree marketing
Collin Wise, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Ruth Woldemichael, bachelor’s degree accounting
Morgan Wolf, doctoral degree pharmacy
Sherry Wong, bachelor’s degree biology-chemistry
Tate Wooding, bachelor’s degree political science
Allison Wray, bachelor’s degree marketing
Catherine Wrzesien, cum laude, bachelor’s degree exercise science and fitness
Reid Yoder, bachelor’s degree marketing, sales
Rielle Zeider, bachelor’s degree business management, marketing
Manchester University Mission Statement
Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
May 19, 2018