Charge to the Graduates, President Dave McFadden

Dave McFaddenYou’ve heard me say over and over and over – you may be sick of it – that at Manchester you can be yourself and that you are challenged to become your best self. That’s our intention for your time here.

This comes straight from our mission statement which begins by affirming the infinite worth of every person. That includes each one of you.

Now, as you graduate, we look to you to fulfill the rest of our mission. It says that we “graduate persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.” 

Persons of ability and conviction. Well educated, well prepared and holding values that will shape what you do with your lives, how you will contribute in the workplace and in your communities.

“Principled, productive and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.” lives that make the experiences and well-being of those around you better.

We are so proud of you, each of you. And we have high expectations for you.
Individually, we will look for you to make your corner of the world a little better. Collectively, we will look for you to change the world.

The world needs more Manchester graduates. The world needs you.

Congratulations and go get ’em!

May 19, 2018