
Fall 2018 CETL Professional Development Events

September 6, 4:00-5:00pm, ACEN 146

Panel Discussion
 Please join us to hear perspectives on high school experiences of our undergraduate students. A panel (including administrators, teachers, coaches, and parents) will share insights on what education prior to college looks like for many of our students. Topics will include both academic and co-curricular experiences. 

October 4, 4:00-5:00pm, ACEN 146

How to Get Un-Stuck With a Student: Strategies From Counseling Services
Danette Normal Till, April White, Kris Wise

Presentation Slides
Satisfaction Survey
Considerations Quick Sheet

Additional Resources:
Brene Brown, Daring Classrooms [video]
Meaning Behind the Language, Ways to Begin Dialogue [blog]
Dr. Lori Desautels, Indianapolis, 2017 School Health Conference [video]

November 1, 4:00-5:00pm, ACEN 146

Panel Presenter(s): Rick Espeset, Brian Cashdollar, Nate Jensen, and Corey Brueggeman
 A panel of coaches and athletic administrators will discuss Manchester's student-athlete population. Discussion topics include: the Division III philosophy of student-athlete engagement in the classroom; athlete recruitment; helping athletes to balance athletic and academic demands; efforts in retention and academic success; and athletics as part of the college student experience.

December 6, 4:00-5:00pm, Wine Recital Hall

Reflections on Teaching Small Groups and Individuals
Debra Lynn, Christer Watson, Sun Kang, and Kurt Kurtzhals
Details: Join presenters as they share experiences from their disciplines with smaller classes, lessons, labs, and research projects. An individualized voice lesson with a think-aloud by Debra Lynn about strategies will begin the conversation.

For past CETL Professional Development Events, see the following links:
Fall 2017
Spring 2018