
Spring 2018 CETL Professional Development Events

February 1: 4-5PM, ACEN 146

Formative Student Feedback
Dr. Monica Heller, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of the Undergraduate Psychology Program 

MU Instructions to Gather Student Feedback via Canvas Survey 
MU Video Instructions with Full Script for Accessibility

Presentation Slides & Recording:
Presentation Slides
A recording of the session can be found in the CETL Canvas Course within the Tegrity Classes navigation area 

March 1: 4-5PM, ACEN 146

Teaching Squares: A Process for Formative Peer Teaching Feedback
Michelle Calka, Kate Eisenbise Crell, Kristen Short, and Stacy Stetzel

A Teaching Square is a framework for faculty to gain new insights into teaching through reciprocal classroom observations and formative discussions. The four faculty in each square (or three in a triangle) visit each other's classes once over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they've learned from their observations and reflect on teaching practices.

Michelle Calka (Communication Studies), Kate Eisenbise Crell (Religious Studies), Kristen Short (Biology) & Stacy Stetzel (Education) will share what they've learned from the process, overview the guidelines and best practices for doing peer observations, and engage in group mini-discussions on teaching practices. Interested instructors will also have the opportunity to sign up to be a part of a future teaching square.

Presentation Slides

April 5: 4-5PM, ACEN 146

Skill Development Through Standardized Patients
Zach Dougal, Associate Professor of Exercise and Athletic Training & Clinical Education Coordinator

A recording of the session can be found directly via this Tegrity link

May 3: 4-5PM, ACEN 246

Supporting and Including International Students
Michael Dixon, Director of Intercultural Services and Chief Diversity Officer at Manchester University

For past CETL Professional Development Events, see the following links:
Fall 2017