College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

Chemistry - January Sessions

Chemistry January Session Nicaragua

January is a special time at Manchester, where students take one 3-week, intensive course. Classmates and professors form close bonds as they explore an area of study in depth. Chemistry faculty often teach special courses during this time, including the following:

  • Medical Practicum: faculty and students partner with a team of U.S. physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals to serve patients in Central American communities.
  • Development of Modern Scientific Thought in Great Britain: faculty and students visit museums and historical sites in Great Britain to explore how history, politics, social structure, and religion shaped some key events in scientific history.
  • Making of the Modern Mind: faculty and students travel to Europe to examine how the predominant worldview shifted from pre-modern to modern.
  • Forensic Science: faculty and students stay on campus to investigate aspects of analysis in the crime laboratory, including fingerprinting, drug analysis, arson investigation, blood analysis, DNA analysis, and ballistics, with plenty of hands-on experiences.