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Doctor of Physical Therapy
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Clinical Education
Manchester University
College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy
Academic Curriculum
Academic Curriculum
Year 1
DPT 710 Clinical Foundations I – 4 Credits
This course develops students' knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors for physical therapy practice. It covers communication, medical chart review, patient interviews, and the ICF framework. Students learn about pain mechanisms, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practice. They also practice examination skills, patient management, and assistive device fitting.
DPT 712 Clinical Movement Science – 3 Credits
This course provides a foundation in human musculoskeletal anatomy and movement analysis. Students learn about normal and abnormal movement patterns through virtual dissections, kinesiology, and imaging. They apply these concepts to various movements and analyze contributing factors using the ICF model.
DPT 714 Clinical Neuroscience – 3 Credits
This course focuses on the human neurological system, motor control, and motor learning. Students explore neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neurological disorders. They learn about screening tools and apply them to clinical scenarios.
DPT 716 Clinical Physiology I – 3 Credits
This course covers human physiology, anatomy, and histology of various body systems. Students learn about system function, changes across the lifespan, and the impact of exercise, environment, and disease. They also explore health promotion, wellness, and fitness screening tools.
DPT 720 Clinical Foundations II – 3 Credits
This course progresses students' knowledge, skills, and clinical reasoning. It covers patient positioning, draping, room setup, infection control, pain neuroscience, and therapeutic modalities. Students learn about physical agent principles, clinical applications, and clinical decision-making.
DPT 722 Musculoskeletal Practice I – 4 Credits
This course builds on previous knowledge of anatomy, movement analysis, and examination skills. Students learn about musculoskeletal pathology, dysfunction, and rehabilitation. They apply knowledge to regional palpation, orthopedic examination, plan of care development, and pharmacology.
DPT 724 Neuromuscular Practice I – 4 Credits
This course focuses on assessing and managing individuals with neurological conditions. Students learn about neuroanatomy, neuropathology, movement analysis, and examination skills. They apply knowledge to motor control, motor learning, evidence-based practice, and pharmacology.
DPT 726 Clinical Physiology II – 3 Credits
This course delves deeper into health promotion, wellness, nutrition, and fitness. Students learn about how body systems interact and respond to physical activity. They focus on the biopsychosocial approach, pain modification, therapeutic exercise, and clinical reasoning.
DPT 728 Integrated Clinical Experience I – 2 Credits
This course prepares students for professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities in physical therapy practice. Students apply patient management techniques in a supervised clinical setting and learn about core values, the Physical Therapy Practice Act, and the APTA Code of Ethics.
DPT 731 Lifespan Practice I – 4 Credits
This course studies normal human development and preventative and holistic healthcare across the lifespan. Students focus on geriatric populations, physiologic changes, sociological and economic consequences of aging, and the physical therapist's role in this process.
DPT 732 Musculoskeletal Practice II – 3 Credits
This course builds on previous knowledge and focuses on less common musculoskeletal pathology, dysfunction, and rehabilitation. Students apply knowledge to regional palpation, orthopedic examination, plan of care development, and pharmacology.
DPT 734 Neuromuscular Practice II – 3 Credits
This course builds on previous knowledge and introduces additional neurological system assessments. Students learn about less common neurological pathology, dysfunction, and rehabilitation. They apply knowledge to examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention.
DPT 736 Cardiopulmonary Practice – 3 Credits
This course focuses on the anatomy and physiologic function of the cardiopulmonary systems. Students learn about assessment skills for screening, examination, evaluation, and management of patients with cardiovascular, metabolic, and pulmonary dysfunction.
DPT 739 Clinical Application of Research and Statistics – 1 Credit
This course provides an introduction to clinical research and evidence-based practice. Students learn about searching, interpreting, and critically evaluating medical literature. They also learn about research methodologies, statistical approaches, and medical databases.
Year 2
DPT 747 Professional Competencies I – 0 Credits
This course integrates and applies knowledge from previous courses. Students review body systems, pathophysiological mechanisms, examination procedures, and management strategies. They also prepare for full-time clinical education and demonstrate successful completion of the exit examination.
DPT 748 Clinical Education I – 8 Credits
This course prepares students for their first clinical rotation. It covers interprofessional education, IPEC core competencies, legal issues, abuse, cultural competency, reimbursement, and billing practices. Students learn about motivational interview techniques, PT-PTA teams, patient considerations, interprofessional communication, and collaboration. They apply and refine their examination, evaluation, and intervention skills during a mentored clinical internship.
DPT 749 Psychological Aspects of Health and Nutrition – 4 Credits
This course focuses on clinical reasoning, mindful practices, and the impact on patients. It covers population health, health promotion, prevention, health equity, and wellness. Students explore environmental and social determinants of health, health disparities, spirituality, motivational interviewing, pain neuroscience education, and end-of-life issues. They also learn about chronic disease management, biopsychosocial-spiritual care, cultural competence, and advocacy.
DPT 751 Lifespan Practice II – 4 Credits
This course studies normal human development and preventative and holistic healthcare across the lifespan, focusing on pediatric populations. Students learn about the management of children with musculoskeletal, neurological, and/or cardiopulmonary impairments. They also learn about developmental delay, family-centered care, education-based interventions, advocacy, and assistive technologies.
DPT 753 Integumentary Practice – 3 Credits
This course focuses on the role of physical therapists in managing patients with integumentary and lymphatic system disorders. Students learn about integumentary system pathology, wound healing processes, and factors that can impede healing. They also learn about wound types, management, and the integration of these practices within the patient/client management model.
DPT 755 Prosthetics and Orthotic Practice – 4 Credits
This course focuses on the role of physical therapists in managing patients requiring prosthetic and orthotic devices. Students learn about physiology, pathophysiology, biomechanics, and patient management. They also learn about assessment, prescription, and fitting of prosthetics, orthotics, and sock management.
DPT 758 Integrated Clinical Experience II – 2 Credits
This course progresses students' knowledge, skills, and clinical reasoning. It focuses on leadership in physical therapy, including leadership philosophy, managing clinical casework, delegation, oversight, and resource management. Students apply and refine patient management techniques and practice professional behaviors.
DPT 761 Complex Patient Practice – 4 Credits
This course focuses on management strategies for medically complex patients. Students learn about community-based, outpatient, and inpatient management for patients with primary multi-system diseases or comorbidities. They examine and provide treatment principles for advanced diseases, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, oncological, lymphatic, integumentary, and rheumatologic disorders.
DPT 763 Acute Care Practice – 4 Credits
This course delves into the management of patients in acute care settings. Students learn about critical and complex medical issues, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, and multisystem disorders. They develop expertise in acute care interventions, including stabilization, management of critically ill patients, and integration of therapeutic interventions.
DPT 765 Specialty Practice – 4 Credits
This course focuses on the physical therapist's role in managing special populations. Students learn about the physiology, pathophysiology, and histology of the neurological, integumentary, lymphatic, and reproductive/genital urinary systems. They also learn about cancer screening, medical interventions, pelvic health conditions, obstetric care, and emerging practice areas.
Year 3
DPT 777 Professional Competencies II – 0 Credits
This course integrates and applies knowledge from previous courses and clinical experience. Students prepare for their final LTCE experiences through independent study and complex cases. They review examination procedures, management strategies, primary care practice, specialty practice, and interprofessional collaborative practice.
DPT 778 Clinical Education II – 8 Credits
This eight-week internship builds upon the knowledge and skills from the first clinical experience. Students advance evidence-based patient management, clinical reasoning skills, and adult learner characteristics. They demonstrate advanced professionalism and progress toward Intermediate competency as a clinician.
DPT 779 Practice Management & Administration – 4 Credits
This course focuses on the application of regulatory, administrative, and management requirements for physical therapy practice. It covers third-party payment and billing, personnel issues, fiscal responsibility, and patient advocacy. Students use readings, lectures, case scenarios, and problem-solving to assess their knowledge and apply technology to clinical practice.
DPT 787 Professional Competencies III – 0 Credits
This course integrates and applies knowledge from previous courses and clinical experiences. Students prepare for clinical practice as lifelong learners and educators. They focus on preparation for national and state licensure and employment post-graduation and take two practice examinations to demonstrate successful completion of the FSBPT Content Outline.
DPT 788 Clinical Education III – 14 Credits
This fourteen-week internship progresses learners to entry-level patient management skills. Students refine interpersonal communication and professional skills with patients, family, and healthcare staff. They develop advanced evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills and demonstrate entry-level competency as a clinician.