Foundational Skills (C-1FOQ)
10-11 |
10-11 |
First-Year Seminar in Critical Thinking (C-1F) |
4 |
4 |
FYS First-Year Seminar |
Oral Communication (C-1O) |
3 |
3 |
COMM 110 Foundations of Human Communication |
Quantitative Reasoning (C-1Q) |
3 |
3 |
MATH 113 Quantitative Reasoning (BA only) |
MATH 115 Elementary Probability and Statistics |
MATH 121 Calculus I |
MATH 210 Statistical Analysis |
PSYC 241 Statistics and Research Design I |
Physical Activity and Wellness (C-2) |
2 |
PE 101 (C-2LA) Lifetime Activity |
1 |
.5 |
Choice of any two (one for Associate of Arts) from the courses offered. A maximum of 1.0 credits count toward the baccalaureate degree. A maximum of .5 credits count toward the associate degree. Student-athletes who compete at the intercollegiate level are not allowed to enroll in an activity course in the same sport in which they compete. |
PE 105 (C-2FA) Fitness and Wellness Activity |
1 |
.5 |
Choice of any two (one for Associate of Arts) from the courses offered. A maximum of 1.0 credits count toward the baccalaureate degree. A maximum of .5 credits count toward the associate degree. Student-athletes who compete at the intercollegiate level are not allowed to enroll in an activity course in the same sport in which they compete. |
Integration Into the World (C-3) |
9 |
Three courses (two courses for AA), at least one in each category. |
Responsible Citizenship (C-3RC) |
COMM 212 Small Group Communication |
COMM 314 Language and Thought |
COMM 415 Rhetoric of War |
ECON 240 Topics in Social Economics |
EDUC 216 Building Communities in Schools |
ENG 361 Women in Literature |
FIN 204 Financial Responsibility |
GNST 125 Intro to Gender Studies |
GNST 201 Intro to Queer Studies |
HIST 227 Race & Ethn in Amer Hist |
HIST 236 Aspects of American Social History |
HIST 250 Hist of Holocaust |
IDIV 221 Race, Power, and Marginalization in Schools |
PEAC 110 Intro to Peace Studies |
POSC 131 Introduction to International Studies |
POSC 201 Political Concepts |
PSYC 201 Social Psychology |
SOC/SOWK 220 Social Gerontology |
SOSC 102 Human Conflict |
SOWK 110 Intro to Social Work |
SOC/SOWK 228 Race, Ethnic, and Gender Inequality |
Global Connections (C-3GC) |
ART 348 History of World Art |
BUS 202 Exploring International Business |
ENG 250 Literary Passport |
FREN 110 Inside France |
FREN 111 Elem French 1 |
FREN 112 Elem French 2 |
FREN 201 Intermed French 1 |
FREN 202 Intermed French 2 |
FREN 301 Adv French 1 |
GER 111 Elem German 1 |
GER 112 Elem German 2 |
GER 201 Intermed German 1 |
GER 202 Intermed German 2 |
HIST 210 East Asia in the World: Past/Pres |
HIST 220 African History |
HIST 226 Empire |
HIST 241 Topics in Japanese History |
HIST 244 Topics in Chinese History |
HIST 252 Comparative Civilization |
HIST 255 The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict |
IDIV 240 Making of the Modern Mind |
IDIV 350 The India Story |
MODL 231 Pre-Hispanic Mesoamer/Andean Cultures |
MUS 119 World Musics |
PEAC 250 Peacemaking in Practice Abroad |
POSC 236 Comparative Foreign Policy |
POSC 237 African Politics |
PSYC 352 Culture & Psychology |
REL 131 Jewish Faith, Culture and People |
REL 222 Religions of East Asia |
REL 223 Religions of India |
SOC 311 Cultural Anthropology |
SPAN 111 Elem Spanish 1 |
SPAN 112 Elem Spanish 2 |
SPAN 201 Intermed Spanish 1 |
SPAN 202 Intermed Spanish 2 |
SPAN 230 Living the Spanish Lang |
Ways of Knowing (C-4) |
27 |
Philosophical, Religious and Creative Inquiry* |
12 |
3 |
One course from each category. |
Religion (C-4RL) |
REL 101 The Hebrew Bible |
REL 102 Introduction to New Testament |
REL 111 Christian Traditions |
REL 120 Intro to Religious Studies |
REL 210 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam |
REL 228 The Brethren Heritage |
REL 241 Jesus and the Gospels |
REL 245 The Hebrew Prophets |
Philosophy (C-4PH) |
ECON 234 Economics and the Ideal Society |
PHIL 201 Intro to Philosophy |
PHIL 215 Ethical Decision Making |
PHIL 235 Bioethics |
PHIL 330 Philosophy of Religion |
Visual and Performing Arts (C-4AR) |
ART 201 Art and Life |
ART 251 Art in Context |
ART 253 Women in the Visual Arts |
ART 342 Hist of Anc & Med Art |
ART 344 Hist of Renaiss & Baroque Art |
ART 346 Hist of Mod & Contemp Art |
HUM 130 Experiencing the Arts |
MUS 120 Introduction to Music |
MUS 122 Jazz History |
MUS 220 Music for Stage and Film |
MUS 232 Music Hist & Analysis II |
THTR 201 Theatre and Society |
Literature (C-4LT) |
ENG 214 Classical & Medieval Lit |
ENG 238 World Literature |
ENG 242 African Amer Lit |
FREN 315 Intro to French Literature |
LIB 210 Banned Children's Literature |
MODL 201 European Literature |
MODL 225 Legends Revisited |
MODL 241 US Latino Literature and Culture |
REL 266 Religious Classics |
SPAN 315 Intro to Literary Analysis |
Human Behavior and Institutions |
9 |
3 |
Three courses, each in a different discipline* |
Economics (C-4HE) |
ECON 115 Economic Concepts |
ECON 221 Princ of Microecon |
ECON 222 Princ of Macroecon |
Education (C-4HD) |
EDUC 230 Educational Psychology |
History (C-4HH) |
HIST 104 Intro European Hist Anc to 1500 |
HIST 105 Intro European Hist 1500 to Present |
HIST 111 American History: Colonial-1865 |
HIST 112 American History: 1865-present |
HIST 121 World History to 1500 |
HIST 123 World History from 1500 |
HIST 201 Medieval Europe |
HIST 202 Renaissance and Reformation Europe |
HIST 203 Early Modern Europe |
HIST 204 Modern Europe |
HIST 205 Ancient Europe |
Political Science (C-4HP) |
POSC 121 Amer Natl Politics |
POSC 122 State & Local Politics |
POSC 140 International Politics |
POSC 233 Comparative Politics |
Psychology (C-4HY) |
PSYC 110 Intro to Psychology |
Sociology (C-4HS) |
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology |
Natural World* |
6 |
3 |
Two courses, each in a different discipline* |
Biology (C-4NB) |
BIOL 101 General Biology |
BIOL 102 Human Biology: Stages of Life |
BIOL 106 Princ of Biology I |
BIOL 108 Princ of Biology II |
BIOL 204 Fundamentals of Human Physiology |
BIOL 214 Field Ecology |
Chemistry (C-4NC) |
CHEM 101 Chemical Science |
CHEM 105 Intro to Inorganic Chem |
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I |
Earth/Space (C-4NE) |
NASC 203 Descriptive Astronomy |
NASC 209 Physical Geology |
NASC 211 Weather, Climate, and Civilization |
Environmental Science (C-4NN) |
ENVS 130 Intro to Environmental Studies |
Physics (C-4NP) |
NASC 103 Physical Science |
PHYS 111 College Physics I |
PHYS 210 General Physics I |
PHYS 220 General Physics II |
*one course only required for the AA degree |
Synthesis & Critical Connections (C-5) |
Critical Connections (C-5CC) |
3 |
0 |
INTD 320 Narrative Eye: Film & Story |
INTD 324 Feminist Theory |
INTD 330 Ethnobotany |
INTD 341 Rethinking God: The Reality of the Virtual |
INTD 345 Religion and Ideological Power |
INTD 401 Arts and Ideas |
INTD 405 Life and Death |
INTD 407 Media and Religion |
INTD 410 Cinema for Social Change |
INTD 413 The Fashion Police |
INTD 417 Dispelling the Myths of the Wild West |
INTD 421 Queen Elizabeth I |
INTD 425 Environmental Philosophy |
INTD 430 Evolution: Hist & Cltr Significance |
INTD 435 Biology and Society |
INTD 437 Science & Archaeology of Ancient Greece |
INTD 441 Globalization |
INTD 443 History of American Medicine |
INTD 445 Development of Scientific Thought in Great Britain |
INTD 447 Medieval Fntn of Western Society |
INTD 450 Adv Studies in Gerontology |
Values, Ideas and the Arts (C-5VIA) |
1 |
0.5 |
Students are required to attend five VIA events for each semester of full-time enrollment. Credit accumulates at 0.25 semester hours for every ten VIA events attended. A maximum of 2.0 hours may be used toward graduation for BA/BS degrees; a maximum of 1.0 hours may be used toward graduation for the AA degree. Attendance requirements will be waived for any semester in which the student is enrolled full time but studying off campus (i.e. student teaching, internships, field instruction or study abroad). |
Bachelor of Arts |
Students who seek the BA degree will demonstrate language proficiency, other than in their native language, at the intermediate level. Students can demonstrate intermediate language level by |
a. Completing the intermediate (201/202) sequence at Manchester University, |
b. Placing into the advanced level (300) of a language and receiving a grade of C or higher in one course at this level,
c. Passing a proficiency examination with a grade of B or higher, in addition to
completing the language placement test,
d. Completing the courses at another accredited institution with grades of C or higher,
e. Earning a score of four or five on the Advanced Placement examination. |
Bachelor of Science |
Students who seek the BS degree will demonstrate mastery of quantitative thinking skills at the level of introductory statistics or applied calculus or higher. Courses listed in the Core Quantitative Reasoning section (C-1Q) fulfill this requirement. |
Writing |
Each academic major in the baccalaureate degree programs will designate (W) courses within the major requirements. Each student must successfully complete one (W) course in her/his major in addition to the writing requirement in foundations. These courses will be designated in the Catalog with a (W) in the course title. |