President Emeriti 
Parker G. Marden, president emeritus of the University, professor emeritus of sociology
A.B., Bates College, 1961; A.M., Brown University, 1964; Ph.D., 1966.
Jo Young Switzer, president emerita of the University, professor emerita of communication studies
B.A., Manchester College, 1969; M.A., University of Kansas, 1977; Ph.D., 1980.
Faculty Emeriti
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
James R. C. Adams, professor emeritus of art
B.A., George Washington University, 1951; M.F.A., Institute Allende incorporated to the University of Guanajuato, 1952.
A. Ferne Baldwin, professor emerita of sociology and social work
B.S., Manchester College, 1958; M.A., Ball State University, 1967; Ph.D., 1973.
Stephen A. Batzka, professor emeritus of art
B.S., Manchester College, 1962; M.Ed., Miami University, 1966; M.S., University of Tennessee, 1979.
Dwight B. Beery, professor emeritus of physics
B.A., Manchester College, 1959; M.S., Indiana University, 1962; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1969.
John W. Beery, associate professor emeritus of music
B.M.E., Central Michigan University, 1961; M.A., Central Michigan University, 1962.
Stanley K. Beery, professor emeritus of mathematics, Isaac and Etta H. Oppenheim professor of mathematical sciences
A.B., Manchester College, 1965; M.S., Miami University, 1968; Ph.D., Florida State University, 1975.
Charles E. Boebel, professor emeritus of English
B.A., Luther College, 1960; M.A., University of Iowa, 1962; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1971.
Dagny M. Boebel, professor emerita of English
B.A., Luther College, 1961; M.A., California State Polytechnic University, 1971; Ph.D., Purdue University, 1985.
Robert C. Bowman (1993), associate professor emeritus of religion
A.B., Manchester College, 1956; B.D., Bethany Theological Seminary, 1961.
Donald L. Colburn, professor emeritus of psychology
B.A., Cornell College, 1947; B.C., Drew University, 1950; Harvard University, spring, 1951; Alliance Francaise, 1954; Ph.D., Boston University, 1958.
R. Gary Deavel, professor emeritus of music, organ and piano
B.S., Manchester College, 1952; M.M., Sherwood Music School, 1956; Ph.D., Eastman School of Music, 1970.
Barbara J. Ehrhardt, instructor emerita of biology, director emerita of Koinonia Environmental and Retreat Center
B.S., Manchester College, 1989, M.A., 1994.
June E. Enoch, associate professor emerita of education
B.S., Indiana University, 1943; M.S., 1960; Ed.S., 1962.
Stanley B. Escott, vice president and dean emeritus of student development, professor emeritus of psychology
B.S., Ball State University, 1959; M.A., Ball State University, 1962; Ph.D., Purdue University, 1967.
L. Dwight Farringer, professor emeritus of physics
B.A., Manchester College, 1949; B.D., Bethany Theological Seminary, 1952; M.A., The Ohio State University, 1955; Ph.D., 1958.
Warren K. Garner, professor emeritus of education
B.A., Manchester College, 1950; M.S., Indiana University, 1955; Purdue University, 1959; Indiana State University, 1960; University of Utah, 1961; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1969.
Arthur L. Gilbert, professor emeritus of accounting
B.S., Manchester College, 1953; M.B.A., Indiana University, 1954; CPA, 1964.
James L. Gratz, associate professor emeritus of health, physical education and recreation
B.S., Bluffton College, 1950; M.S., Indiana University, 1953; M.S., 1954.
Robin J. Gratz, librarian emeritus
B.A., Manchester College, 1970; M.A., Duke University, 1971; M.A., University of Chicago, 1974.
Lana L. Groombridge, professor emerita of exercise and sport sciences
B.S., Manchester College, 1966; M.S., Indiana University, 1972; Ed.D. Ball State University, 1998.
Richard B. Harshbarger, professor emeritus of economics; Howard and Myra Brembeck professor of economics
B.S., Manchester College, 1956; M.A., Indiana University, 1958; Ph.D., 1964.
Robert G. Jones, associate professor emeritus of music/woodwinds, director emeritus of orchestra
B.S., Northern Arizona University, 1961; M.M., Wichita State University, 1963.
Dorothy B. Keller, professor emerita of sociology and social work
B.A., Oberlin College, 1955; M.A., University of Michigan, 1968; M.S.W., The Ohio State University, 1977; M.A., 1977, Ph.D., 1985.
Robert S. Keller, professor emeritus of sociology and social work
B.A., Manchester College, 1952; M.A., Haverford College, 1953; M. Soc. Serv., Bryn Mawr, 1960; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1971.
Charles D. Klingler, professor emeritus of English
B.A., Manchester College, 1948; M.A.T., Indiana University, 1952; Ph.D., 1970.
David P. Kreps, professor emeritus of biology
B.S., Manchester College, 1964; M.Sc., The Ohio State University, 1968; Ph.D., University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School, 1976.
Wilson B. Lutz, professor emeritus of chemistry
B.A., Manchester College, 1950; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1955.
Lynne F. Margolies (1999), associate professor emerita of Spanish
B.G.S., University of Kansas, 1982; M.A., 1984; Ph.D., 1992.
Edward G. Miller, professor emeritus of chemistry
B.A., Manchester College, 1956; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1961.
Franklin T. Olive (1999), associate professor emeritus of accounting and business
B.S., Frostburg State University, 1968; M.Ed., Bowie State College, 1973; B.S., University of Maryland, 1976; M.B.A., 1980; CPA, 1979.
Philip Orpurt, professor emeritus of biology
B.A., Manchester College, 1948; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1950; Ph.D., 1954.
Robert B. Pettit (1981), professor emeritus of sociology
B.A., Baylor University, 1967; M.T.S., Harvard Divinity School, 1969; M. Phil., Columbia University, 1975; Ph.D., 1986.
John H. Planer (1969), professor emeritus of music
B.A., Knox College, 1965; M.A., University of Michigan, 1966; Ph.D., 1970.
Richard W. Robison, professor emeritus of education
B.A., LaVerne College, 1961; M.A.T., Michigan State University, 1968; Ph.D., 1974.
Ingrid N. Rogers, professor emerita of modern languages
Staatsexamen, Philipps University, 1974; Ph.D., Philipps University, 1976; D.Min., Bethany Theological Seminary, 1988.
Jo Ann Schall, associate professor emerita of education, director emerita of teacher education
B.S., Manchester College, 1959; M.A., Michigan State University, 1962.
Charles M. Stanton, associate professor emeritus of mathematics and computer science
B.A., Wesleyan University, 1964; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1969.
Doris F. Stephenson (1976), librarian emerita
B.A., Manchester College, 1971; M.L.S., Ball State University, 1976; M.S., 1992.
James T. Streator, professor emeritus of chemistry
B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960; M.S., Purdue University, 1965; Ph.D., 1974.
Scott K. Strode, professor emeritus of communication studies, director emeritus of theatre
B.A., University of Puget Sound, 1959; M.A., University of Washington, 1966; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1974.
Jean Ann Tribolet, registrar emerita, associate professor emerita of education and psychology
B.S., Manchester College, 1956; M.A., University of Colorado, 1959; Ph.D., Purdue University, 1970.
David A. Waas, professor emeritus of history
B.A., Manchester College, 1947; M.A., University of Illinois, 1949; Ph.D., 1958.
Albert A. Williams, professor emeritus of biology
B.S., Park College, 1967; M.S. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1969; Ph.D., 1976.
Gary A. Zimmerman, professor emeritus of psychology
B.S., Manchester College, 1964; M.S., Purdue University,1968; Ph.D., 1970.
Faculty and Administrative Staff 
Faculty and Administrative Staff 2016-2017
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Mark T. Adkins (2012), sports information director, WBKE station manager
B.S., Wartburg College, 1990.
Samantha Alley (2016), admissions counselor
B.S., Manchester College, 2011.
Kyle Allison (2013), assistant athletic instructor
Mark J. Angelos (1992), professor of history, interim director of the honors program 2016-2017
B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1981; M.A., 1983; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992.
Brenton E. Archer (1978), senior systems support specialist
B.S., Manchester College, 1978.
Sarah J. Aubrey (2015), assistant director of career and professional development
B.A., Hanover College, 2002; M.A., University of Sydney, 2004.
Nadine A. Baker (2013), assistant director of advancement services
B.S., Grace College & Seminary, 2006.
Tammy L. Barber (2014), enrollment and marketing specialist and international student coordinator
Isaac Beal (2016), assistant athletic instructor of men's soccer
B.S., Huntington University, 2013.
Jeffrey A. Beer (2006), program director of undergraduate athletic training, associate professor of exercise science and athletic training, chair of the exercise science and athletic training department
B.S., Ball State University, 2000; M.A., Kent State University, 2002.
Jeff Belknap (2016), web programmer
A.S., Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne, 1996.
Sandra K. Bendsen (1996), administrative assistant for the success center
B.S., Manchester College, 1972.
Suzanne Beyeler (2016), assistant professor of biology and environmental studies
B.A., Goshen College, 1995; M.A., Miami University 2000; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009.
Jill L. Biehl (1974), administrative assistant for admissions
LaDonna R. Bloom (2007), assistant director of student financial services
B.S., Ball State University, 1987.
Elena M. Bohlander (2015), assistant director of the Manchester Fund
B.A., Manchester University, 2014.
Karen K. Brace (2010), administrative assistant to the president
Timothy M. Brauch (2009), associate professor of mathematics
B.S., Centre College, 2002; M.A., Wake Forest University, 2004; M.A., University of Louisville, 2007; Ph.D., 2009.
Erinn Brooks (2016), assistant professor of sociology
B.A., Beloit College, 2008; M.S., North Carolina State, 2012; Ph.D., 2016.
Corey Brueggeman (2013), head men's soccer coach
James P. Brumbaugh-Smith (1992-95, 1997), associate professor of mathematics, chair of the department of mathematics and computer science
B.S., Manchester College, 1984; M.S., Clemson University, 1985; Ph.D., 2000.
Mark A. Bryant (1999), associate professor of chemistry
B.S., Indiana University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1991.
Barb Burdge (2003), associate professor of social work, director of social work program, chair of the department of sociology, social work, and criminal justice
B.A., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1994; M.S.W., Indiana University, Indianapolis, 1998; Ph.D., Indiana University, 2013.
Elizabeth J. Bushnell (2004), assistant vice president of institutional quality and success
B.A., McDaniel College, 1998; M.A., Bowie State University, 2002.
Michelle Calka (2011), assistant professor of communication studies
B.A., Juniata College, 2004; M.A., Ball State University, 2006; Ph.D., Ohio University, 2012.
Kimberly A. Carey (2008), assistant director of operations for student financial services
B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2008.
Paul J. Carter (2016), assistant athletic instructor of football
B.S., University of Saint Francis, 2009.
Brenda K. Carver (1992), graphic designer, mail services manager
Judd A. Case (2007), asociate professor of communication studies, chair of the department of communication studies
B.A., Brigham Young University, 2000; M.A., 2002; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2010.
R. Michael Case (2001), assistant vice president, chief technology officer
B.S., Milligan College, 1992; M.B.A., University of Saint Francis, 1997.
Brian R. Cashdollar (1999), director of cross country and track and field, instructor of exercise science and athletic training
B.S., Ball State, 1999; M.Ed., Indiana University, 2002.
Vincent Cashdollar (2013), assistant football coach, offensive coordinator
B.S., Ashland University, 2008; M.S., Ohio University, 2009; M.S., West Virginia University, 2012.
Brandi C. Chauncey (2009), director of admissions
B.S., Manchester College, 2001; M.S., St. Ambrose University, 2006.
Daniel R. Chudzynski (1998), director of marketing
Gregory W. Clark (1992), professor of physics
B.A., Indiana University, South Bend, 1985; M.S., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1987; Ph.D., 1992.
Chad Cook (2014), assistant athletic instructor
Nathan Corder (2015), photographer, videographer
B.S., Huntington University, 2015.
Aron K. Costello-Harris (2010), associate professor of biology, chair of the department of biology
B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2002; M.S., 2005; Ph.D., Miami University, 2010.
Marcie L. Coulter-Kern (2000), professor of psychology
B.S., Evangel College, 1982; M.A., University of Nebraska, 1986; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1998; Ph.D., 2000.
Russell G. Coulter-Kern (2000), professor of psychology, chair of the department of psychology
B.A., Evangel College, 1982; M.A., University of Nebraska, 1986; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 1993.
Kathryn S. Eisenbise Crell (2009), associate professor of religion
B.A., Earlham College, 2001; M.A.Th., Bethany Theological Seminary, 2004; Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union, 2009.
Kathryn L. Davis (2010), associate professor of chemistry
B.A., Hope College, 2005; B.S., 2005; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2010.
Matthew M. Davis (2014), lab coordinator
B.S., Hope College, 2004; M.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2009.
Scott DeVries (2016), associate professor of Spanish
B.A., Wheaton College, 1995; M.A., Rutgers University, 2004;
Ph.D., 2004.
Jeffrey M. Diesburg (2011), assistant professor of art
B.A., Iowa State University, 2003; M.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design, 2006.
Amy DiNovo (2016), residence hall director
B.A., Central Michigan University, 2016.
Michael G. Dixon (2011), director of intercultural services
B.S., North Carolina State University, 2004; M.Ed., Grand Valley State University, 2007.
Zachary J. Dougal (2010), associate professor of exercise science and athletic training, assistant athletic trainer, clinical education coordinator
B.S., Ball State University, 2004; M.A., Western Michigan University, 2006.
Beth Driscoll (2016), assistant professor of marketing and management
B.S., Ball State University, 1989; M.B.A., Indiana University at Kokomo, 1997.
Kim A. Duchane (1992), professor of exercise science and athletic training
B.S., Northern Michigan University, 1978; M.A., Sam Houston State University, 1987; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University, 1996.
Kathrine A. Dwyer (2013), administrative assistant for the office of academic resources
B.A., University of Georgia, 2008.
Joshua N. Dzurick (2005), head coach of women’s basketball and softball, instructor of exercise science and athletic training, assistant athletic director
B.A., Tiffin University, 1999; M.Ed., Bowling Green State University, 2002.
Chuck Ehret (2016), assistant football coach
B.S., Malone University, M.S., Valparaiso University
Sara Emerich (2013), assistant athletic instructor of softball, senior woman's administrator
B.S., West Liberty University, 2013; M.A., Concordia University-Irvine, 2016.
Stacy L. Erickson-Pesetski (2007), associate professor of English, associate dean for academic resources
A.B., Ripon College, 2000; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2007.
Richard B. Espeset (1994), athletic director, head baseball coach
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1992; M.S., Western Illinois University, 1993.
Brandee J. Estes (2015), human resources manager and benefits administrator
B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2009.
Shanon L. Fawbush (2006), director of student activities and orientation
B.A., Edinboro University, 1993; M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1996.
Megan R. Flinn (2011), custodial supervisor
Erin R. Foreman (2006), head athletic trainer, assistant professor of exercise science and athletic training
B.S., Ball State University, 2004; M.S., West Virginia University, 2006.
Kelley Foreman (2016), visiting assistant professor of biology
B.S., Iowa State University, 2000; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2010.
J. Jared Friesen (2016), visiting instructor of sociology
B.A., Huntington University, 1998; M.A., Ball State University, 2002.
Uma Ganesan (2015), assistant professor of history
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 2011.
Beate C. Gilliar (1993), professor of English
B.A., University of Arizona, 1984; M.A., 1986; M.A., 1988; Ph.D., 1993.
Heather K. Gochenaur (2008), campus store manager
A.A., Waukesha Technical College, 1995.
Derek P. Golden (2007), director of event technology
Gerad W. Good (2015), head men's basketball coach, instructor
B.S., Manchester College, 1995.
Kelsey Gower (2016), admissions counselor
B.A., Manchester University, 2014.
Erica K. Graphman (2015), social media content specialist
B.A., Manchester University, 2015.
Katharine L. Gray Brown (2007), associate professor of philosophy and peace studies, director of the peace studies program
B.A., Manchester College, 1991; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1992; M.A., University of Minnesota, 1994; Ph.D., 2000.
Anne G. Gregory (2014), assistant director of media relations
B.A., The Ohio State University, 1981.
W. Shannon Griffith (2004), director of development
B.G.S., Ball State University, 1991; M.A., Ball State University, 1997.
Olan E. Griffiths (2013), IT technician
B.S., Manchester University, 2013.
Kyle L. Grubbs (2013), assistant director of admissions
B.A., Manchester College, 2012.
Katherine A. Haff (2011), staff accountant
B.A., Manchester College, 2009.
Darla V. Haines (1998), technical services and humanities librarian
B.A., Grove City College, 1989; M.A., Kent State University, 1993; M.L.S., 1997.
Jocelyn T. Hamilton (2015), assistant women's basketball coach
B.A., Manchester University, 2015.
Lila D. Hammer (1980-1987, 1996), registrar
B.S., Manchester College, 1979; M.A., Purdue University, 1993.
Audrey N. Hampshire (2010), director of academic support and disability support services
B.S., Manchester College, 2007; M.S., Trine University, 2014.
Logan Haston (2016), assistant athletic instructor of football
B.A., Manchester University, 2016.
Pamela Haynes (2016), assistant professor of music
B.M., DePauw University, 1994; M.M., Ohio University, 1996; D.M.A., University of Kansas, 2000.
Ryan A. Hedstrom (2008), associate professor of sport management
B.S., Manchester College, 2000; M.Ed., Boston University, 2001; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2006.
Brandon S. Heim (2014), digital interactive programmer
James J. Herman (2015), residence hall director
B.A., Purdue University, 2013; M.S.Ed., 2015.
David J. Hicks (1986), associate professor of biology
B.A., Colgate University, 1974; M.S., Cornell University, 1978; Ph.D., 1982.
Brad M. Higginson (2009), assistant football coach, athletic recruiting liaison
B.S., Kentucky Wesleyan University, 2007; B.A., Gannon University, 2009.
Tamara L. Hoagland (2007), office manager, exercise sciences and athletic training
Wendy E. Hoffman (2014), assistant professor of marketing and management
B.S., St. Joseph's University, 1979; M.B.A., Drexel University, 1984; Ed.D., Univeristy of Georgia, 2011.
Adam R. Hohman (2001), assistant vice president for enrollment and marketing
B.S., Manchester College, 2001.
Rebekah Houff (2016), university pastor
B.A., Bridgewater College, 2006; M.Div., Bethany Theological Seminary, 2012.
Angela R. Huffman (1996-98, 2006), assistant director of admission - central Indiana
B.A., Saint Joseph’s College, 1993.
Jacob P. Huffman (2014), assistant director of admissions
B.S., Manchester College, 2006; M.S., Indiana State University, 2008.
Carl P. (Scott) Humphries (2008), assistant professor of music
B.M., James Madison University, 1989; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1996.
Mark W. Huntington (1984), associate dean of natural and health sciences, professor of exercise science and athletic training, program director for graduate athletic training education
B.S., Manchester College, 1976; M.S., Boston University, 1979; P.E.D., Indiana University, 1994.
Deborah L. Hustin (1986), portal application administrator
B.A., Colgate University, 1974; M.A., Duke University, 1976.
Max L. Ihnen (2000-2014, 2015), team leader for systems administration
A.S., Purdue University, 1995.
Katharine N. Ings (1999), associate professor of English, chair of the department of English, director of the gender studies program
B.A., University of Ottawa, 1989; M.A., Indiana University, 1992; Ph.D., 2000.
Daysha Jackson-Sanchez (2015), dean of student success
B.A., Purdue University, 2005; M.B.A., Indiana University, 2008.
Nathan W. Jensen (2016), head football coach
Christine M. Johnson (2016), head coach for women's soccer
B.S., University of Florida, 2004.
David C. Johnson (2015), assistant professor of psychology
B.A., New York University, 2008; Ph.D., Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Cornell University, 2015.
Kourtney R. Johnson (2014), human resources systems administrator
B.S., Manchester University, 2014.
Rebecca E. Johnson (2012), assistant librarian of instruction and emerging technologies
B.S., Anderson University, 2008; M.L.S., Indiana University, 2010.
Lawrence E. Johnston (2012), senior systems administrator
B.S., Trine University, 2011.
Jennifer Jones (2015), associate registrar
B.A., Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago, 2007.
N. Nicola Jones (2015) admissions counselor
B.A., Manchester University, 2015.
Leticia N. Kalita (2008), director of career and professional development
B.S., Manchester University, 2008.
Sun J. Kang (2015), assistant professor of sport management
B.A., University of California, Davis; M.S., Barry University; M.B.A., Barry University; Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2015.
Susan J. Klein (1998), professor of chemistry, director of the biology-chemistry program, chair of the department of chemistry
B.A., Franklin and Marshall College, 1989; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994.
Julie J. Knuth (2011), executive assistant to the president
B.S., Manchester College, 2001.
Janeen W. Kooi (2006), director of The Manchester Fund and donor relations
B.S., Saint Joseph’s College, 1982; M.F.A., Eastern Illinois University, 1984.
Amanda Kreps (2012), director of development
B.S., Manchester College, 1996; M.S.W., Western Michigan University, 2000.
Michael L. Kroll (2014), swimming head coach, instructor
B.S., College of Brockport, 2006.
Paige Krouse (2015), director of grants and sponsored programs
B.A., Hanover College, 2010; M.S., Purdue University, 2012.
Cheryl L. Krueckeberg (2004), associate professor of social work, director of the gerontology program
B.A., Purdue University, 1976; M.Div., McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 1980; M.S.W., Loyola University of Chicago, 1992.
Kurt L. Kurtzhals (2015), instructor of education
B.A., Purdue University, 1996; M.A., Boston University, 2003.
Mary P. Lahman (1996), professor of communication studies
B.A., Manchester College, 1983; M.A., Miami University, 1984; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1994.
Kevin A. Lake (2015), head wrestling coach
B.S., Manchester College, 1998; M.A., Central Michigan University, 2004.
Geoffrey P. Lambert (2009), head coach of cross country and track and field
B.A., Wabash College, 2008.
Jessica A. Lambert (2013), new student coordinator
B.S., Manchester College, 2011.
Melinda S. Lantz (2008), director of strategic communications
B.S., Manchester College, 1981.
Justin M. Lasser (2011), assistant professor of religion
B.A., Gordon College, 2004; M.A., Union Theological Seminary, 2006; M.Phil., 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Melanie Ebig Lawson (2016), director of residential life
B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1999; M.A., 2003.
Michael J. Leckrone (2004), director of financial services-planning and budget
B.S., Manchester College, 1992.
Young S. Lee (1998), associate professor of mathematics and computer science
Ph.D., University of Idaho, 1989; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998; Ph.D., 1998.
Jill S. Lichtsinn (1986), director of the library and academic technology support librarian
B.S., Manchester College, 1979; M.L.S., Indiana University, 1991; M.S., 2004.
Shaina Lin (2016), admissions counselor
B.A., Hanover College, 2016.
Jennifer L. Lutz (1999), associate professor of accounting
B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1991; M.A.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996; CMA, 2001.
Debra J. Lynn (1998), professor of music
B.S., William Jewell College, 1990; M.A., Truman State University, 1993; D.A., Ball State University, 1999.
Allen J. Machielson (2007), dean of student experience
B.F.A., Calvin College, 1995; M.A., Sacred Heart University, 2001.
Sreenath Majumder (2009), associate professor of economics, Howard and Myra Brembeck Endowed Chair of the department of economics
B.Sc., University of Calcutta, 1999; M.Sc., 2001, M.A., University of Houston, 2006; Ph.D., 2009.
James A. Manis (2015), IT project manager
B.A., Manchester University, 2013.
Leslie Marlatt (2014), assistant director of career and professional development
B.S., Manchester University, 2013
Michael J. Martynowicz (2011), instructor of education
B.S., Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2004; M.S., University of Saint Francis, 2010.
Seth Mayer (2016), assistant professor of philosophy
B.A., University of Chicago, 2008; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2015.
David McGrady (2016), assistant professor of accounting and finance
B.A., Franklin College, 1978; M.B.A., University of Texas at Arlington, 1979.
Timothy P. McKenna-Buchanan (2014), assistant professor of communication studies
B.S., Wayne State College, 2008; M.S., Illinois State University, 2010; Ph.D., Ohio University, 2014.
Mary Ann McWithey (2006), accountant
B.A., David Lipscomb College, 1978.
Kaitlyn E. Meneely (2015), admissions counselor
B.A., Manchester University, 2015.
Joe R. Messer (2008), Mark E. Johnston associate professor of entrepreneurial studies
B.S., Purdue University, 1982; M.S., 1993.
Randall D. Metzger (2008), senior administrative programmer analyst
B.S., Ball State University, 1981; M.Ed., University of Phoenix, 2001.
Mia Miller (2015), academic support advisor
B.A., McPherson College, 1996; M.Div., Bethany Theological Seminary, 1999.
Carole M. Miller-Patrick (2002), director of service opportunities
B.S., East Carolina University, 1975.
Robin R. Mitchell (2013), assistant professor of computer science
B.S., Purdue University, 1989; M.A., 2010.
Quentin J. Moudy (1995), manager of printing services
B.S., Western New Mexico University, 1977.
Harold E. Napier (2004), director of campus safety
Pieter Y. Naragon (2011), director of physical plant and grounds
Steve S. Naragon (1991), professor of philosophy, chair of the philosophy and religious studies department
B.A., Manchester University, 1982; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 1987.
Timothy A. Ogden (1990-96, 1997), professor of business, dean of the college of business
B.A., Manchester College, 1987; M.B.A., Claremont Graduate School, 1989; J.D., Indiana University, 1996.
Ejenobo R. Oke (2006), associate professor of art
B.A., Manchester College, 1997; M.F.A., Norfolk State University/Old Dominion University, 2001.
Benson C. Onyeji (1991), professor of political science
B.A., University of District of Columbia, 1979; M.A., American University, 1980; M.A., University of Denver, 1982; Ph.D., 1990.
Jeffrey P. Osborne (2004), associate professor of chemistry
B.A., Goshen College, 1992; Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1999.
Kathryn L. Pannabecker (2016), assistant athletic instructor of women's soccer
B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2015.
William D. Patch (2010), associate director of admissions operations and social media coordinator
B.A., Manchester College, 2008.
Bryndon A. Paulsen (2014), volleyball head coach
Stanley G. Pittman (1986), director of instructional technologies
B.A., Glenville State College, 1970; M.S., Indiana University, 1977.
Rachel E. Polando (2009), associate professor of biology, director of the honors program (sabbatical 2016-2017)
B.S., Hillsdale College, 2004; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2009.
Sarah Pruden (2016), assistant athletic instructor of women's volleyball
B.S., Manchester University, 2016.
Bradan D. Pyrah (1995), associate professor of accounting
B.S., Brigham Young University, 1982; M.Acc., 1986; J.D., J. Reuben Clark Law School, 1986; CPA, 1985.
Jordan Redding (2016), assistant athletic trainer
B.S., Manchester University, 2013; M.S. Western Kentucky University, 2015.
Timothy M. Reed (2008), associate professor of music, chair of the music department
B.S., LaGrange College, 1999; M.M., Illinois State University, 2004; Ph.D., University of Florida, 2008.
Kimberly J. Reinoehl (1998), assistant director of admissions
B.A., Manchester College, 1998.
Andrew F. Rich (1992), Isaac and Etta H. Oppenheim professor of mathematics
B.A., Bethel College, Kansas, 1977; M.S., University of Chicago, 1978; Ph.D., 1989.
Anna C. Richison (2014), director of health services
Thelma S. Rohrer (1996), associate professor of art, director of the office of the international studies and academic enrichment, dean of the college of arts and humanities, chair of the art department
B.A., Manchester College, 1984; M.A., Michigan State University, 1989.
Rudolph H. Rolle (2014), admissions counselor
B.S., Manchester University, 2014.
Geoffrey S. Ross (2014), systems administrator
A.S., Ivy Tech Community College, 2010; B.S., Indiana Institute of Technology, 2013.
Eva G. Sagan (2011), instructor of mathematics
B.A., Beloit College, 1993; M.B.A., University of Illinois, 1995; M.Math., University of Georgia, 1997.
Terese A. Salupo-Bryant (1999), associate professor of chemistry
B.S., University of Dayton, 1986; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1993.
Megan E. Sarber (2007), manager of donor relations
B.S., Manchester College, 2007.
Heather A. Schilling (2003), associate professor of education, chair of the department of education, director of teacher education
B.A., Manchester College, 1990; M.Ed., Indiana University, 1998; Ed.D., Ball State University, 2011.
Colin J. Schrader (2015), residence hall director
B.A., University of Iowa, 2013; M.S., Northwest Missouri State University, 2015.
Rita J. Schroll (1966), administrative assistant for university advancement
Cindy L. Seitz (2005), director of financial services - treasury management
B.S., Gannon University, 1980; C.P.A.
Jennifer K. Shepherd (2013), director of alumni relations
B.S., Manchester College, 1984; M.A., Kent State University, 1986.
Sherri L. Shockey (1988-97, 2007), director of student financial services
B.A., Huntington College, 2000; M.B.A., University of Saint Francis, 2004.
Kristen H. Short (2011), assistant professor of biology
B.S., Miami University, 2004; M.S., University of Cincinnati, 2010; Ph.D., 2010.
Edith P. Sicken (2014), instruction and access services librarian
B.A., Wittenberg University, 2010; M.A., Kent State University, 2014.
Jessica L. Sillaman (2014), residence hall director
B.A., Arcadia University, 2014.
Jennifer K. Simmers (2008), associate professor of accounting
B.A., Manchester College, 1994; M.B.A., Indiana University, 1999.
Benjamin W. Smith (2015), marketing writer
B.A., Ball State University, 1977.
J. Susie Snep (2007), accounts payable specialist
Jennifer N. Steele (2006), employment coordinator
B.S., Manchester College, 2005.
Travis W. Steele (2011), director of IT operations
B.A., Indiana University, 2010.
Matt Stetzel (2013), project manager and trade supervisor
Stacy S. Stetzel (2006), assistant professor of education
B.S. University of Saint Francis, 1998; M.Ed., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2003; Ph.D., Indiana State University, 2015.
John T. Straub (2004), IT technician
John T. Straub, Jr (2015), IT technician
B.S., Manchester University, 2015.
Jerry E. Sweeten (2004), professor of biology, director of the environmental studies program
B.S., Manchester College, 1975; M.A., Ball State University 1982; Ph.D., Purdue University, 1996.
Chelsea M. Teddy (2015), admissions counselor
B.S., Manchester University, 2014.
Shane L. Thomson (2014), visiting assistant professor of English
B.A., Brigham Young University, 1995; M.A., California State University, 2001; Ph.D., Ball State University, 2013.
Danette Norman Till (2004), director of counseling services
B.S.W., Manchester College, 1985; M.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 1990; M.S.W., Indiana University, 1993.
Katherine A. Tinsley (1991), associate professor of history, chair of the department of history and political science
B.A., Indiana University, 1979; M.A., University of London, 1980; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995.
Janina P. Traxler (1979), professor of French, chair of the modern languages department
B.A., Manchester College, 1973; M.A., Indiana University, 1977; Ph.D., 1986.
Tracy A. Turner (2015), administrative assistant to the vice president for advancement
Laura A. Turner-Reed (2011), assistant director of academic support and writing center coordinator
B.A., Auburn University, 1997; M.A., The University of North Texas, 2002.
Heather C. Twomey (2000), associate professor of accounting
B.A., Manchester College,1996; M.Acct., 1997.
Mathew W. Unger (2006), director of performing arts technologies
B.S., Manchester College, 2006.
Loyal Vandenburg (2016), web coordinator
B.A., University of Saint Francis, 1998.
Joel S. Waggy (2008), web team leader and senior web programmer analyst
B.A., Manchester College, 2008.
Elizabeth A. Wagner (2011), administrative assistant for student experience
B.A., Indiana Institute of Technology, 2002.
Christer G. Watson (2004), professor of physics, chair of the department of physics
B.A., Grinnell College, 1998; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 2004.
Jonathan P. Watson (1998), associate professor of English
B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1985; M.A., Lehigh University, 1990; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1998.
Kari L. Weaver (2006), senior accountant
B.S., Huntington College, 2005.
Melissa K. West (2015), assistant director of alumni relations
B.S., Manchester College, 1999.
April D. White (2014), assistant director of counseling services
B.A., Manchester College, 2003; M.S.W., Indiana University, 2011.
Heidi E. Wieland (2014), field experience and assessment coordinator for the education department
B.S., Saint Joseph's College, 2001.
Jack W. Wiley (2014), professor of psychology
B.S., DePauw University, 1974; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1978.
Leonard A. Williams Jr. (1982), professor of political science, dean of the college of education and social sciences
B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1974; M.A., 1976; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1981.
Mason A. Wood (2015), assistant men's basketball coach
Bryce L. Worrell (2016), assistant baseball coach
B.A., Anderson University, 2011; M.A., Siena Heights University, 2014.
Kristina Wust (2016), student account specialist
A.A. Rogers State College, B.S., Huntington University
C. Arturo Yañez (2008), associate professor of Spanish
B.A., University of Los Andes, 1980; M.Ed., University of Toronto, 1985; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1999.
Bradley L. Yoder (1978), professor of sociology, social work, and criminal justice
B.A., Goshen College, 1963; M.A., Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1965; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1979.
Alexis D. Young (2005), director of conference services
B.S., Ball State University, 2005.
Johanna G. Young (2007), director of advancement services
B.S., Ball State University, 1995.
Yue (Nancy) Zhang (2016), visiting assistant professor of economics
B.S., Nanjing University, 2007; M.A., Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing Center, 2009; Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2015.
Lauren M. Zlotecki (2015), residence hall director
B.S., Central Michigan University, 2014.