Academic Program: Major and Minor Fields of Study
Requirements for Major/Minor Fields of Study • Course Descriptions
Courses of Instruction
The detailed requirements for major and minor fields of study, as well as the descriptions of each course, are listed on the following linked pages. Divisional and departmental courses are arranged alphabetically by division or department.
Courses that are required, or can be used to fulfill part of the Core Program requirements are identified in the course descriptions by the following coding:
C-1F | First-Year Seminar |
C-1O | Oral Communication |
C-1Q | Quantitative Reasoning |
C-2 | Physical Activity and Wellness |
| C-2FA | Fitness and Wellness Activity |
| C-2LA | Lifetime Activity |
C-3 | Integration Into the World |
| C-3RC | Responsible Citizenship |
| C-3GC | Global Connections |
C-4 | Ways of Knowing |
| C-4RL | Religion |
| C-4PH | Philosophy |
| C-4AR | Visual and Performing Arts |
| C-4LT | Literature |
C-4H | Human Behavior Institutions |
| C-4HD | Education |
| C-4HE | Economics |
| C-4HH | History |
| C-4HP | Political Science |
| C-4HS | Sociology |
| C-4HY | Psychology |
C-4N | Natural World |
| C-4NB | Biology |
| C-4NC | Chemistry |
| C-4NE | Earth/Space |
| C-4NN | Environmental Science |
| C-4NP | Physics |
C-5 | Synthesis and Critical Connections |
| C-5CC | Critical Connections |
| C-5VI | Values, Ideas and the Arts |
The level of courses is indicated by the course number as follows:
Beginning Level Courses 100
Intermediate Level Courses 200
Advanced Level Courses 300
Advanced Level Courses 400
Only students with junior standing or above, or the instructor’s permission, may take 400-level courses.
The semester and the year for the regular offering of the course are given with most course descriptions. The University reserves the right not to schedule or offer a course if suitable faculty are not available, or to cancel a course if enrollment is insufficient.
Course Descriptions and Major/minor Requirements