
Core Curriculum

This innovative and interdisciplinary core curriculum is a cohesive program that informs, inspires, and transforms Manchester students into persons of ability and conviction. By securing academic foundations, requiring interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and delivering high‐impact student experiences, the core curriculum prepares students to live, work, and thrive in a complex world.

The curricular framework embodies both the mission and the values of Manchester University. Courses will embody the mission and values through specific course content, though not every course offered in a specific category is required to include the same values or engage the same portion of the mission statement.

The new core curriculum is comprised of three main components, each made up of multiple categories. The total hours may vary from 32 to 41 credit hours.

Core Curriculum

Foundation (13-15 Credits)


 First‐Year Writing Seminar



 First‐Year Communication Seminar



 Quantitative Reasoning



 First Year Success Seminar



 Cultural and Global Understanding


Exploration (9-13)


 Arts and Humanities



 Natural Sciences



 Social Sciences



Transformation (10-13)

LA-TFR Faith, Reason, and Ethics


 Big Issues ‐ 2 courses



 Creative Expression



 Total Credit Hours


 Updated as of May 2024

First Year Writing Seminar (3 Credits) | LA-FWS
FYWS 111
First Year Writing Seminar
 First Year Communication Seminar (3 Credits) | LA-FCS
COMM 110
Foundations of Human Communication
First Year Success Seminar (3 Credits) | LA-FSS
 INTD 101
First Year Success Seminar
 Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 Credits) | LA-FQR
DATA 210
 Statistical Analysis
 MATH 115
 Elementary Probability & Statistics
MATH 121
 Calculus I
 MATH 122
 Calculus II
 MATH 125
Mathematical Modeling
 MATH 211
Quantitative Skills for Business
PHIL 230
 PSYC 241
 Stats & Research Design I
 SOC 325
 Quantitative Research Methods
Cultural and Global Understanding (3-4 Credits) | LA-FCG
BUS 202
Exploring International Business
EDUC 230
Educational Psychology
ENG 216
 Topics in Literature and Cultural Studies
 ENG 227
 Twenty-First Century Literature
ENG 238
 World Literature
 ENG 242
African American Literature
ENG 246
 Comics, Graphic Novels, and Film
ENG 250
 Literary Passport
 ENG 261
Women in Literature
 EXSC 313
International Sports Medicine
 GNST 125
 Intro to Gender Studies
 GNST 201
 Introduction to Queer Studies
 HIST 121
 World History to 1500
 HIST 123
 World History From 1500
 HIST 210
 Modern China & East Asia: 1750 to Present
 HIST 226
 Imperialism and the Modern World
 HIST 237
 Race & Ethnicity in US History
 HIST 242
 South & Southeast Asia: Ancient-1500
 HIST 254
 Latin American History
 HIST 256
 African American History
 HIST 263
 Making of India & Pakistan
 HIST 317
 British Empire & Making of the Modern World
 HIST 353
 Women and Gender in India and China
 IDIV 240
 Making of the Modern Mind
 MUS 124
 Popular Music & Culture
 MUS 230
 World Musics
 NURS 300
 Maternal Newborn
 NUTR 315
 International Foods and Nutrition
 PEAC 110
 Introduction to Peace Studies
 PEAC 250 Peacemaking in Practice Abroad
 PEAC 218
 Mediating Conflict
 PEAC 320
 Global Conflict Resolution
 PHIL 327
 Indigenous Thinking
 POSC 235
 Development & Politics of Latin America
 POSC 366
 Wealth & Poverty in the Global Economy
 POSC 371
 The United Nations
 REL 222
 Religions of East Asia
 REL 223
 Religions of India
 REL 244
 The Religions of Abraham
 REL 247
 Jesus in the Middle Eastern Perspective
 SOC 210
 Urban-Rural Dynamics
 SOC 228
 Racial, Ethnic, & Gender Inequality
 SOC 311
 Cultural Anthropology
 SOC 313
 Cultural Ecology
 SOWK 228
 Racial, Ethnic, & Gender Inequality
 SPAN 111
 Food Cultures
 SPAN 112
 Memory and Culture
 SPAN 201
 Communication and Culture
 SPAN 202
 Cultures and Controversies
 SPAN 301
 Oral Communication

Arts and Humanities (3 Credits) | LA-EAH
ART 201
 Art and Life
 ART 246
 History of Modern & Contemporary Art
 ART 253
 Women in the Arts
 ENG 115
 Intro to Literature
 HUM 211
 Exploration in the Arts
 REL 106
 Becoming Who You Are

Natural Sciences (3-6 Credits) | LA-ENS
BIOL 104
 Foundations of Human Communication
 CHEM 101
 Chemical Science
 CHEM 136
 Forensic Science
 ENVS 130
 Introduction to Environmental Studies
 NASC 103
 Physical Science
 NASC 210
 Exploration of the Natural Sciences
 NURS 405
 Research for Evidence-Based Practice
Alternatively, student may take two 100 or 200-level courses, each in a different discipline, from BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, NASC, or PHYS to fulfill the Natural Sciences requirement.
Social Sciences (3-4 Credits) | LA-ESS
CRIM 110
 Intro to Criminal Justice
 EDUC 111
 Exploring Educational Systems
 HIST 113
 North American History to 1865
 HIST 114
 United States History Since 1865
 HIST 207
 Epidemic Disease in US History
 HIST 233
 Puerto Rico and the United States
 PSYC 110
 Introduction to Psychology
 POSC 123
 American Politics
 POSC 150
 International Relations
 POSC 234
 Democracy & Dictatorship
 SOC 102
Human Conflict
 SOC 110
 Civic Engagement
 SOWK 110
 Intro to Social Work

Faith, Reason, and Ethics (3 Credits) | LA-TFR
PHIL 201
Intro to Philosophy
 PHIL 205
 A Meaningful Life
 PHIL 206
 The Human Person
 PHIL 215
 Ethical Decision Making
 PHIL 219
 Business Ethics
 PHIL 221
 Medical and Research Ethics
 REL 101
 Intro to the Hebrew Bible
 REL 102
 Intro to the New Testament
 REL 111
 Christian Traditions
 REL 113
 The Bible & Philosophical Thought
 REL 120
 Intro to Religious Studies
 REL 121
 Sacred Traditions
 REL 247
 Jesus in the Middle Eastern Perspective
Big Issues (2 Courses) (6-7 Credits) | LA-TBI
COMM 336
 Video Games & Virtual Identity
 INTD 321
 Trauma and Resilience
 INTD 322
 Fashion and Cultural Identity
 INTD 323
 Incarcerated Shakespeare
 INTD 324
 Feminist Theory
 INTD 335
 Emotion in the Workplace
 INTD 340
 Pathways to Purpose
 INTD 343
 Philosophy of Mind
 INTD 350
 Migrants and Refugees
 INTD 355
 Critical Issues in Education
 INTD 405
 Life and Death
 INTD 410
 Cinema for Social Change
 INTD 425
 Environmental Philosophy
 INTD 427
 International Women's Rights
 INTD 441
 INTD 445
 Development of Modern Scientific Thought
**NURS 450
 Capstone: Leadership in Nursing Practice
 POSC 332
 Power and Politics in America
 POSC 366
 Wealth & Poverty in the Global Economy
 SOC 351
 Community & Environmental Sociology
 SOC 355
 Health, Medical Care, & Society
 SOWK 355
 Health, Medical Care, & Society
Creative Expression (1-3 Credits) | LA-TCE
ART 131
Basic Design
 ART 210
 Painting I
ART 212
 Torchworking Glass
 ART 213
 Figure Drawing
ART 221
 Digital Photography
ART 241
ART 261
 Graphic Design Concepts & Vectors
 ART 271
 Three-Dimensional Construction
COMM 235
 Community Podcasting
COMM 364
 Producing for the Internet
ENG 201
 Journalism I: Reporting
ENG 317
 Journalism II: Editing
 ENG 363
 Topics in Creative Writing
MUS 100
 Piano (Beginner)
MUS 101
 Applied Piano (Majors)
MUS 102
 Voice (Beginner)
MUS 105
 Organ (Beginner)
MUS 107
 Voice: Non-Majors (Beginner)
MUS 126
 Beat Making & Production
MUS 128
 Class Piano I: Non-Majors (Beginner)
MUS 130
 A Cappella Choir
MUS 140B
 Symphany Orchestra Strings
MUS 146
 Symphonic Band
MUS 200
 Piano: Non-Major (Intermediate)
MUS 201
 Piano (Intermediate)
MUS 202
 Voice (Intermediate)
MUS 205
 Organ (Intermediate)
MUS 207
 Voice: Non-Majors (Intermediate)
POSC 370
 Model United Nations