First Year Writing Seminar (3 Credits) | LA-FWS
FYWS 111
| First Year Writing Seminar
First Year Communication Seminar (3 Credits) | LA-FCS
COMM 110
| Foundations of Human Communication
| |
First Year Success Seminar (3 Credits) | LA-FSS
INTD 101
| First Year Success Seminar
Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 Credits) | LA-FQR
DATA 210
| Statistical Analysis
MATH 115
| Elementary Probability & Statistics
MATH 121
| Calculus I
MATH 122
| Calculus II
MATH 125
| Mathematical Modeling
MATH 211
| Quantitative Skills for Business
PHIL 230
| Logic |
PSYC 241
| Stats & Research Design I
SOC 325
| Quantitative Research Methods
| |
Cultural and Global Understanding (3-4 Credits) | LA-FCG
BUS 202
| Exploring International Business
EDUC 230
| Educational Psychology
ENG 216
| Topics in Literature and Cultural Studies
ENG 227
| Twenty-First Century Literature
ENG 238
| World Literature
ENG 242
| African American Literature
ENG 246
| Comics, Graphic Novels, and Film
ENG 250
| Literary Passport
ENG 261
| Women in Literature
EXSC 313
| International Sports Medicine
GNST 125
| Intro to Gender Studies
GNST 201
| Introduction to Queer Studies
HIST 121
| World History to 1500
HIST 123
| World History From 1500
HIST 210
| Modern China & East Asia: 1750 to Present
HIST 226
| Imperialism and the Modern World
HIST 237
| Race & Ethnicity in US History
HIST 242
| South & Southeast Asia: Ancient-1500
HIST 254
| Latin American History
HIST 256
| African American History
HIST 263
| Making of India & Pakistan
HIST 317
| British Empire & Making of the Modern World
HIST 353
| Women and Gender in India and China
IDIV 240
| Making of the Modern Mind
MUS 124
| Popular Music & Culture
MUS 230
| World Musics
NURS 300
| Maternal Newborn
NUTR 315
| International Foods and Nutrition
PEAC 110
| Introduction to Peace Studies
PEAC 250 | Peacemaking in Practice Abroad |
PEAC 218
| Mediating Conflict
PEAC 320
| Global Conflict Resolution |
PHIL 327
| Indigenous Thinking
POSC 235
| Development & Politics of Latin America
POSC 366
| Wealth & Poverty in the Global Economy
POSC 371
| The United Nations
REL 222
| Religions of East Asia
REL 223
| Religions of India
REL 244
| The Religions of Abraham
REL 247
| Jesus in the Middle Eastern Perspective
SOC 210
| Urban-Rural Dynamics
SOC 228
| Racial, Ethnic, & Gender Inequality
SOC 311
| Cultural Anthropology
SOC 313
| Cultural Ecology
SOWK 228
| Racial, Ethnic, & Gender Inequality
SPAN 111
| Food Cultures
SPAN 112
| Memory and Culture
SPAN 201
| Communication and Culture
SPAN 202
| Cultures and Controversies
SPAN 301
| Oral Communication