At Manchester, we take a personal interest in the success of each of our students. This starts with the college level work students complete while still in high school. We will accept credit for these
Advanced Placement (AP) Program courses.
Prospective students should request their AP scores be sent to Manchester University at the time of the examination. If requesting score reports after the exam has been taken, contact:
Advanced Placement Program
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
Toll-free phone: 877-274-6474
apexams@info.collegeboard.orgIf students are currently taking, or have taken, dual credit courses at a local college or university, a grade of C or above (not C-) must be earned for credits to transfer. See our partial
listing of transfer courses.
If you or your students have further questions about this, please contact the Office of Admissions.