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Katie Byers

  • College Life Hacks

    by Katie Byers | Sep 05, 2017
    1. Place a command strip with a hook on your bedframe. You will be able to hang an extension cord on it so that you can charge your phone and lay in bed at the same time!
    2. Take advantage of Haist Common’s to-go boxes. They are a lifesaver! Food on the go at any time… and the boxes are huge. You definitely will get plenty to eat.
    3. First years, I know remembering where all your classes are for the first few weeks can be difficult. Take a screenshot of your schedule and set it as your lock screen on your phone. You’ll always have it with you and it will be super easy to take a quick peek while you’re on your way to class.
    4. Set your phone to “Do not disturb.” I promise this will come in handy while you are trying to study.
    5. Get a calendar. As obvious as that sounds, you really need one. Take your syllabi from all your classes and write down every single important date. Stay true to your planner and never forget an assignment again!
    6. Use your ID card for student discounts. There are many stores around you wouldn’t think about asking for a discount. Some of them include Subway, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Apple, Chick-Fil-A, Dairy Queen, & Chipotle. 
    7. Get to know your professors. I promise this will help you out in the long run. This is Manchester after all. Every professor wants to get to know you & help you succeed.
    8. Have one folder for homework. I have found it helpful to put all my homework in one folder. Anything that needs to be turned in for class goes in the same folder, regardless of the class. This cuts my chances of bringing the wrong folder and causing me to have a late assignment.
    9. Find a “go-to” professor. I am a bio-chem major, but my go-to professors are from the education department. They will help you through ANYTHING.
    10. Have fun. This is college and it will go by so FAST. Know that sometimes, it is okay to push off studying to hang out with friends or eat that ice cream cone for the second time that day. As long as you keep everything in moderation & limit yourself to splurging every once in a while, you will be fine. Have a great semester, Spartans!

    Katie Byers '18 is a biology-chemistry major & business minor. A member of MAC and STAT, she studied abroad in New Zealand, and her dream job is to work at an orthopedic hospital.