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Don't Forget to Find Yourself

by Hannah Brown | Sep 12, 2016

All of us have stories and experiences that make up who we are, as well as passions, favorite movies, dreams, hobbies, etc. I’m excited to have the opportunity to share my story. I’ve been through a lot at Manchester, and have had many ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything. They’re the reason I am who I am.

Though I’ve changed a lot over my two years at Manchester, a lot has stayed the same. I spend most of my time on Pinterest, and I take every quiz on Buzzfeed. I’ve read the Harry Potter series over and over again, and I like finding new quotes entirely too much. My favorite thing to do is look at the stars on a clear night, and I can pick out more constellations than I can count. I have a tattoo of Orion on my back, and a semicolon tattooed on my wrist. I’m a very open book, but I also put walls up. I’m simple, and chaotic all at once.

Last year, I doubted myself a lot, and I wasn’t really happy anymore. I was convinced that I had to transfer in order to find myself again. All of a sudden I felt so isolated, and alone in a place that had become my home away from home. I spent weeks trying to figure out where I would go next. I knew it would be hard, but I also knew I needed to put myself first, I just wasn’t prepared to say goodbye to Manchester yet.

Suddenly, I figured it out, I didn’t have to leave Manchester in order to be happy again. And luckily it turned out that Manchester was exactly where I needed to be to find myself. Manchester is a magical place--the people, the community, the professors, it all embraced me when I needed it most. Everywhere I turned there was someone who wanted to help me. I found friends that make me laugh harder than I have in a long time. The classes I’m taking push me to be better, and are preparing me for my future. I have on-campus jobs that make me feel like I’m making a difference. I found myself here, and that’s all I ever wanted in a college.

Two years ago, I chose Manchester. It became my home, and my heart is here. I’ve broken down here, I’ve been hurt, I’ve been so mad and sad that I thought I was going to burst. However, I’ve also laughed until I cried, I’ve felt so much love here, and I’ve met people who are so important to me. But the most amazing thing about Manchester, and college in general, is that you have so much freedom to figure yourself out, to find what makes you happy, what makes you sad, all of it. You get to change yourself, and grow, and become whoever you want to be. So make mistakes, break down, get mad, stay up all night, laugh until you cry, and don’t forget to find yourself.

“For a star to be born, there is one thing that must
happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. 
So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction.
This is your birth.”
- Zoe Skylar


Hannah Brown '18 is from Yellow Springs, Ohio. She is majoring in Peace Studies with a focus on Social Justice. She also works as a Student Ambassador at Manchester.