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Thriving On Stories

by Karly Prichard | Oct 06, 2016

When I was a perspective student I was eager to make connections at MU. Much of the encouragement came from my dad, but also from my own desire for relationships and to hear stories. The more time I spend at MU, the more I discover how much I thrive on stories – hearing, telling, sharing. I continue to learn how important daily conversations + story telling are in my life, with people I’ve formed deep relationships with, but also those I pass around campus and everyone in-between.

A few months ago a friend was telling me why he chose to come to Manchester and why he continues to love being here more + more. He was sharing that he loved that he could walk around campus and always see someone he knew; he could wave, say, “hey,” or stop and have a conversation. He said when he visited he even felt instant connection, like he belonged here, and knew MU was the school for him.

Throughout our conversation, much of what he shared deeply resonated with my own story. I found myself quietly saying, “Me, too. Me, too!”

I was crafted for community, for conversations, for relationships, and I believe that’s true for so many at Manchester. We thrive because of it.

MU’s community isn’t fabricated. It’s not idealized. And it’s not just a lens used to share about the university. It’s real. It’s authentic. And it’s molding and challenging me to discover more about my own story, tune in + really listen to others’ stories, and learn how to share stories. 

Karly Prichard ’18 is a Communications major from Warsaw, Ind. Her dream job is to do freelance writing, consulting, and photography for small businesses and non-profit organizations.