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Happy Sunday!

by Hannah Brown | Oct 26, 2016

For some reason, I always get a bad case of the Mondays.  Mondays are long, and stressful, and they just put me in a bad mood. Normally, Sundays aren’t much different from Mondays, long and annoying.

However, that changed this week. Sunday’s weather was beautiful. It was in the 60’s and sunny. Manchester always looks the prettiest on a sunny fall day, so I was already in an unusually good mood. In the morning, my roommate Taylor and I woke up and decided to make our Sunday productive and relaxing, so that we can start our week off right.  We went to brunch, cleaned our room, did all our homework for Monday in the study room, went on a bike ride around North Manchester, and watched a movie while eating dinner and studying.

Hannah Brown

Hannah Brown

In college, Sundays can be pretty depressing. Knowing that the weekend is ending and class starts bright and early on Monday can really bring you down. So you have to make the most of your Sunday. Whether it’s going on a bike ride, or just spending the day reading, Sundays are important. Sundays are a day to regroup, relax, and prepare for the week. It’s a great day to help your body and mind.  Sundays are my favorite day to do a facemask, take a nap, read a good book, and curl up in bed with some tea, as cliché as all that sounds.

Hannah Brown

“A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.”

But what’s the best way to spend your Sunday? According to Thought Catalog, there are a few things you can do to make your boring Sunday a little better.

  • Have a leisurely breakfast or brunch. Cook, or go out and get something you don’t normally have. Don’t rush, savor your breakfast and pretend you’re in a cafe.
  • Feel comfortable in your own skin. Have a spa day, and relax. Do something that makes you feel like your best self.
  • Get out of your house. If you spend all day inside when you feel the onslaught of boredom, you will inevitably be more bored. You see your walls all the time. Go and look at something that isn’t your wall.
  • Go to the library! Even if you don’t particularly like reading, libraries are still fun places. You can people watch, educate yourself about something obscure and odd, or you can lose yourself for hours in the travel section and just look at pretty pictures for a few hours. So go on, time travel!
  • Write a letter to your family, long-distance friends, or to yourself. Jot down all your thoughts, feelings, or ideas, or just tell a joke!
  • Have a nostalgia fest. One time, I lost two days of my life to a website about being a 90s kid. Remembering your childhood can be enormously entertaining.
  • Be around animals. Borrow your neighbor’s cat for a couple of hours. Go to your local pound or animal charity. It’s hard to feel lonely or bored around furry things.
  • Clean! I know sometimes cleaning sucks and is annoying, but it can also help you feel more put together. I love cleaning my room and redecorating or reorganizing; it helps me feel stress-free.

No matter how you spend your day, make sure to make it relaxing. We all hate the beginning of the week, so start your week off right, and have a happy Sunday! 

Hannah Brown '18 is from Yellow Springs, Ohio. She is majoring in Peace Studies with a focus on Social Justice. She also works as a Student Ambassador at Manchester.