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A Week With Me Part 3

by Nick Rush | Feb 23, 2018

Hello again, everyone! In previous posts, I have written about what it’s like to walk in my shoes for a week, and why break tradition? Below, you’ll see a picture of my week, and as you can see, it’s a busy week! So… here we go!

On Tuesday mornings, I have meetings for the College of Business Directors, plus any extra meetings for events that we have. For events outside of the CBC, such as for Student Senate, I have meetings in the evenings. I also work in Admissions and Sports Information. I eat lunch with prospective families every Monday and Friday, and I pick up any student tours I can during the week and on Saturdays. For Sports Information, I work every home football game, almost all home basketball games, and a couple wrestling tournaments. I mainly do social media during the games and play music, but I’ve worked the side scoreboard during basketball, too. 

As for classes this spring:

  • Spanish 202 – Professor Yanez
  • Principles of Finance – Professor Hoffman
  • Marketing Management – Dr. Kang
  • Macroeconomics – Dr. Majumder 
  • Ethical Decision Making – Professor Gray Brown

Marketing Management will be my hardest class. I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew with this class in terms of how hard the content is, but a challenge every now and then is good for you! I’ll admit that not having an 8am at all this semester has made waking up a bit easier and I haven’t been as tired as I have been in the past. I’m also part-early bird, so MWF I’m done with class at 11:50, and TR I’m done at 12:15. It makes the mornings long, but it’s worth it when I have the rest of the day to do what I need to.

Yes, that is a lot! Though I will be busy, I am still looking forward to blogging! Many things will happen this busy semester and I cannot wait to share them with you. Stay tuned!

Nick Rush ’20 is studying Sports Management and plans on minoring in another business area. He plays baseball for MU, and he plans on working in the sports industry after graduation.