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10 Simple Tips to Take Care of Yourself

by Charise Samuel | Oct 05, 2018


As much as I love college, we all know that it is a stressful time in our life. It is a time of growth and change. There’s major changes going on in due to adjusting to college and learning how to juggle classes, sports, papers, work and friendships. During it all, one thing I’ve learned is that self-care is essential. It’s impossible to take care of everything else that needs to be done if you are not taking care of yourself first. A common misconception is that self-care is selfish but honestly it is one of the most unselfish acts that you can do. Here are 10 easy and simple self-care tips that anyone can do:

  1. Do your laundry. Fold it and put it away.
  2. Write 10 things you LOVE about yourself.
  3. Organize your desk/study space.
  4. Make a list of people you love/are grateful for.
  5. Wear pajamas all day.
  6. Do some journaling.
  7. Take a cat nap.
  8. Try guided meditation.
  9. Unfollow 3 negative people from your social media.
  10. Say positive affirmations.


Like I said, all of these are super easy, and they are intended to give attention you body, mind and soul. It is a great way to help maintain a healthy relationship with yourself since it helps to create positive attitudes and boosts your self-confidence.


Charise Samuel is a senior Political Science and English double major. She works as an Orientation Assistant as well as being a Social Media Ambassador.  She hopes in the future to be either a book editor or work for an NGO.