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College Survival Guide: Student- Athlete Edition

by Nick Rush | Mar 08, 2019

If I wasn’t a student-athlete, two things would be true: 1. I would have more free time. 2.  I would still find a way to be busy. Let me explain! I would have more free time because I wouldn’t have baseball practices and games every day in the spring, but if I wasn’t an athlete,  I would be  too bored and  I’d join a club or get another job to fill the void.

However, since I am a student-athlete, I’ve figured out how to best maneuver from class, to work, to practice, to clubs. All the tips below are ones I use every day that have helped me feel like a normal college student who just happens to play a collegiate sport. 

  1. Communicate. Communicate with your parents, friends, professors, coaches and everyone else. Communication is key when living a busy life because you’re not going to be able to do everything. If you communicate early enough, then feelings are less likely to be hurt and things can be worked out easier without a last-minute change of plans.
  2. Get to Know Your Professors. This will aid the communication process. If you look to be on the road often, consider asking professors if they’d be willing to email with you after office hours in case you need help on assignments
  3. Be Organized. Use a planner, agenda, phone calendar, or whatever you can write things down on. When busy, you’re bound to forget something. Writing it down on something you constantly view will help aid your forgetfulness.
  4. Find Your Balance. Being involved on campus is great and what many people strive for, but  if you want to be an athlete,  your sport will take time out of your day. Be involved, but don’t get too overly involved to a point you feel burned out.
  5. Be Healthy. Take care of yourself! Make sure you eat right, drink water and get enough rest at night. You’ll feel better throughout the day and you’ll be able to keep up with your busy schedule.
  6. Make Some “You” time. This helps you relax. Find a hobby or favorite TV show and find time to do it. Even if you are not a student athlete, this just helps any overwhelming feelings you may feel in college. Make sure to make yourself happy and take care of yourself!
  7. Take Work On the Road. This may not sound delightful, but it will help in the long run. It will prevent staying up late after a game to do homework or projects. Focus and preparation is important before games, I know, but remember – we are student-athletes and not athletic-students!
  8. Remember Why You Are In College. You went to college to continue a sport that you’ve enjoyed all your career AND to receive an education. Some say college is the best four years of your life, so enjoy it while it lasts, and make the most of everything you do!