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My Manchester Story

Marisarah Torres

by User Not Found | Feb 11, 2020

Marisarah Torres is a fourth-year (P4) student in Manchester’s Doctor of Pharmacy Program. 


What clubs or organizations are you a part of? 
Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) and APhA-ASP (American Pharmacists Association) 
There are pharmacy programs all over the country. Why did you choose Manchester University? 

I choose Manchester because of the great treatment I received from day one and the high-end education and state-of-the-art technology.  


What experiences have you had at Manchester that stand out? 
The connections with my classmates make me feel closer to home even when I’m so far away. 
What are some advantages to living and studying in Fort Wayne? 

The safety, tranquility and nice people. 


What is one lesson you’ve learned in the classroom is that and one lesson you’ve learned outside the classroom? 

One lesson I have learned in the classroom is that it’s definitely better to come over-prepared than underprepared, and one lesson I have learn outside the classroom is to pay attention to details.


What is your favorite class you’ve taken at Manchester? Why? 

My favorite class at Manchester was Capstone because even when it was overwhelming it helped me prepared for rotations. It gave me a taste of hands-on job preparation.  


What advice would you recommend to students considering pharmacy school? 

My advice is to understand that studying is different when you are in a more “aggressive” program and to never underestimate the material therefore is important to choose a school that meets your needs and your values. 


What drew you to pharmacy? 

I chose pharmacy over other healthcare professions because I liked the wide variety of career opportunities; pharmacists are a respected member of the community; and because pharmacists would be able to help patients optimize their drug therapy in order to improve their health.


What else would you like to add? 
Pharmacy is a hard career that requires a lot of dedication, time and responsibility. It is important to understand this before making a career decision. Furthermore, if you do choose pharmacy let me tell you that you will enjoy Fort Wayne as well as Manchester. 

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