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My Manchester Story

Parth Patel

by User Not Found | Feb 11, 2020
Parth Partel, Pharmacy Student

Parth Patel is a third-year (P3) student in Manchester’s Doctor of Pharmacy Program. 


There are pharmacy programs all over the country. Why did you choose Manchester University? 

Major reason I chose Manchester was the class sizes. Each class has approximately 70 students, which I truly enjoy. Everyone gets to know everyone; no one is made to feel as they are just a number. I really appreciate the availability of professors, as they are willing to get to know you not only as a student, but also as a person. 


What experiences have you had at Manchester that stand out? 

Manchester has a huge focus on service! Being able to help underserved communities, such as the one where I was raised, is very fulfilling. Manchester allows you to develop as a complete person and not just someone who is focused on academics. 


What are some advantages to living and studying in Fort Wayne? 

Fort Wayne is a small town with a big city feel. As professionals, Fort Wayne offers a multitude of opportunities for students to learn, grow and be successful pharmacists. There are many places that allow students to shadow or become interns so they can get the real life experience. I am grateful for what this city offers in regard to pharmacy. 


What drew you to pharmacy? 

When I was a child, finding appropriate health care was always difficult and I want to change that. I chose pharmacy because pharmacists are the most accessible health care professionals and are medicine experts. Being a pharmacist will help me achieve my goal of reducing barriers to care for all people. 

What else would you like to add? 
Post-graduation, I want to go into ambulatory care setting with collaborative practice agreements. I want to optimize patient care, reduce hospitalization and readmission rates, and help my patients live a healthier life.
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