SUMMER 2012  

Giving to Manchester
There's still time to give
before the College's fiscal
year ends June 30.

Click here!

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It's time to turn on the lights, literally

$20 million by 2015.  It’s the goal for The Manchester Fund, which provides the bottom-line necessities of a college education. And it’s 20 percent of the Students First! campaign.

Alumni who make regular gifts to The Manchester Fund literally “power” the institution, with lighting, heating and plumbing to ensure students and faculty have learning opportunities. And gifts made before July 1 have added impact: They help us reach our fiscal year-end goals.

A professor flips on a classroom light switch. She looks outside to see a student grounds worker weeding the roses in front of Petersime Chapel. In The Union, a student sips freshly brewed coffee as he wirelessly puts final touches on his history essay. And in the basement of Schwalm, a student-athlete pulls her running gear from the dryer.

It’s a new day at Manchester. And it wouldn’t happen without The Manchester Fund.

Gifts to The Manchester Fund provide the financial lifeblood of daily operations. The gifts power lights when it’s dark, heat when it’s cold, and everything from the coffee makers in the cafeteria to student, faculty and staff computers.

The Manchester Fund fuels lawn mowers and snow plows, buys laboratory equipment, and pays for stewardship of academic buildings, residence halls and athletic facilities.

Donors who do not designate a specific purpose for their gifts are helping the bottom line. They are turning on (and off, because we’re energy conscious) the lights. Literally.

Click here to flick the switch.

Reunion photos

New photos from Alumni Days!

Manchester Magazine
Manchester magazine online
has even more!

Homecoming family weekend 2010
Oct. 12-13
Mark your calendar!

Nominate awesome alumni!

Alumni & Friends - Connections for Life
Scores and scores of links!


Copyright © 2012
Manchester College Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) | alumnioffice@manchester.edu