Student Life

Faith and Belief Luncheon

Thanks to grants from the Interfaith Youth Core and the Goshen City Church of the Brethren the Office of Religious Life and Campus Interfaith Board has been offering Faith and Belief Luncheons since the fall of 2019. Our next luncheon will be April 22, 2022.

April 14, 2021 Speakers:

Student: Karly Eichenauer

faith and belief luncheon pic 4-14

  Karly Eichenauer is a Biology Chemistry major with minors in Psychology and Peace Studies, working towards becoming a family practice physician in the future

November 16, 2020 Speakers:
Faculty Member: Professor Justin Lasser

Justin Lasser

Justin Lasser is an Eastern Orthodox theologian, Biblical scholar, and  candidate psychoanalyst. He hails from Long Island, New York and  received his Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary. After studying in  Russia and learning ancient languages like Coptic, Ethiopic, and Greek he felt compelled to join the Orthodox Church for its mysteries, contemplative practices, and most importantly, its beauty.


Student: Courtney Douglas
DouglasCourtney is from Richmond, Indiana and finishing her last semester at Manchester with a Bachelor of Science in Biology-Chemistry. Courtney did not grow up in a traditionally religious household, but her family would categorize themselves as Christian. Courtney started reading about Paganism and Wicca at 15 years old and found that it made sense more than traditional religions that were around her growing up.

November 5, 2020 Speakers:
Faculty Member: Assistant Professor of Exercise Science/Athletic Training Lucas Dargo

Lucas Dargo Luncheon

Lucas is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science and Athletic Training. He is also the Clinical Education Coordinator. This is Lucas’s second year at Manchester. He was raised as a Methodist and attended the same church for 26 years. Lucas accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior when he was 14 years old. He now attends Pathway Community Church in Fort Wayne.

Student: Fatu Kaba
Fatu Kaba Luncheon
Fatu was raised in a traditional Muslim family with basic Islamic Practices. In her family, culture seems to dominate religion due to the limited knowledge of the religion along with traditional limitations on women’s education. Thankfully, her single mother made efforts to introduce her to Islam through prayers or reading basic verses of the Qur’an. This was challenging since her mother's tongue is the Maraka language, Liberia's official language is English, and Christianity is the dominant religion. She attended a Muslim High School which did very little to help her understand Islam. She didn't wear a hijab because there was no need to and she prayed whenever she wanted without any sense of obligation. However, as Fatu grew up, she got uncomfortable with how women were being objectified while the system of patriarchy was constantly enforced. She began to question many things including religion(S) and why she was even a Muslim. At 15, Fatu began to research, watch debates, and do competitive religion with Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. She realized that Islam resonated with her and her values. She made more efforts to read the Qur’an despite the language barrier and started following world scholars especially Mufti Menk and later Nouman Ali Khan. In Ramadan 2016, at the age of 18, she decided to take a step further with the best, yet hardest decision, to wear the hijab fully and commit to Islam as a practicing Muslim. She is very grateful for being a Muslim, Alhamdulillah.

October 20, 2020 Speakers:

Faculty Member: Assistant Professor of Music Pamela Haynes

Pamela LuncheonPam Haynes has been active in musical performance at Manchester University   since 2010. In 2016 she joined the music department faculty member as an   Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Keyboard studies. She has always loved music and its importance in worship and spiritual formation. Her spiritual journey has taken her many places: from the small Baptist church of her childhood, to a spiritual re-awakening in an Ohio state park, to mentoring women in New Zealand (alongside her pastor husband). She is most connected to God when walking in the woods near her home which has become the setting for her 2020 "Creekside Encouragement" videos which offer hope and love to all who view them. 

Student: Jarrod Hubbard

Jarrod LuncheonJarrod Hubbard is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana. Jarrod serves as an associate minister at Mt. Pisgah M.B.C under the leadership and pastor ship of B.E. Houser. While serving at Mt. Pisgah Jarrod Hubbard is involved in the youth ministry, teaching local bible studies, the church, choir, but above all he is a young man on fire for the Lord. Jarrod is a CLD Alumni and has been active in many different community efforts such as C.R.P. (Community Resurrection), the Indiana Youth Advisory Council, Young Men Inc., and many more. He was called to preach at the age of 8yrs old and he was released into the Gospel Ministry on September 11, 2016. Jarrod is currently an undergrad student at Manchester University where his major is religious studies with a concentration of ministry. Jarrod  loves the Lord and believes that God is going to do some phenomenal things with this current generation!

February 27, 2020 Speakers:

Staff Member: Coach Faith-Alexis Graham 

Faith Alexis

Faith-Alexis is originally from Indianapolis, IN and is a 2019 Manchester Grad. She graduated with a degree in Sports Management. Upon graduation I started working for the NCAA then took a job here as the Women’s Basketball Assistant Coach. Faith-Alexis experienced many barriers in her athletic career due to a torn meniscus and two torn ACLs.  After only playing one full year of basketball in high school and seven knee surgeries later, she went on to play collegiate ball for four years, all while being a team captain and a starter. In the moment she never understood why God was allowing her to experience the things that she did, yet she continued to walk in faith and eventually was able to use basketball as a platform to touch the lives of others.

Student: Hannah Lawing


Hannah was raised United Methodist in a family of United Methodists and Southern Baptists. She was confirmed in the United Methodist Church at 11, and identified as U.M. for most of middle school. But later she grew curious about older forms of Christianity, such as Lutheranism and Roman Catholicism. Influenced by my friends, I also began to explore non-Christian religions, such as Wicca, Shamanism, and other forms of paganism, as well as Buddhism. I felt that I was continually searching for something I could not quite put a name on. I did not fully become a Christian again until after a near-death experience during my senior year of high school. I began to explore Roman Catholicism, as well as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I did briefly join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints but later left. After a powerful experience at a Catholic prayer service, I knew in my heart that I wanted to become Catholic. My doubts in the Catholic Church were totally dissolved after receiving two visions of the Virgin Mary. I strongly believe that the Catholic Church is the true church of Jesus Christ, and that I will remain in the Church all my life.

November 13, 2019 Speakers:
Faculty Member: Dr. Tim Reed
Tim ReedTim Reed has been teaching in the Music Department at Manchester since 2008. He is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music and is an Associate Professor of Music at MU. Tim grew up in a protestant family and active in the United Methodist Church but later began to explore other ways of thinking about religion and spirituality. For the past twelve years, Tim has cultivated a spiritual practice mostly informed by Buddhist teachings.  

Student: Chris Francois
Chris FrancoisChris grew up in a Roman Catholic family that has been in the faith for several generations now. Over time, they became curious about Vodou and its influences on Haiti's history and culture, and proceeded to have conversations with practitioners. Chris currently views themselves as not really belonging to any religion, but they strongly identify with Vodou while maintaining some Catholic roots.  

October 28, 2019 Speakers:
Faculty Member: Dr. Kate Eisenbise Crell
Student: Jesse Langdon

September 25, 2019 Speakers:
Faculty Member: Rev. Dr. Alicia Dailey

Alicia DaileyRev. Dr. Alicia Dailey accepted Christ into her heart as a six-year old child. When she was 11 or 12, she felt called to the preaching ministry but could not pursue it at the time. As an undergraduate student, Rev. Dr. Dailey was active in campus religious organizations. She went on to earn two seminary degrees and was ordained as a Baptist minister. Rev. Dr. Dailey is a former pastor of Beamer United Methodist Church in Kokomo, IN. With master’s and doctoral degrees in social work, she continually seeks to integrate her faith with social work values and ethics.

Student: Christy Thomson

Christy Thomson

Christy is a mom/student/entrepreneur who lives in Huntington County. She is a forest therapy guide/mentor and trainer. She also facilitates retreats for ANFT, the organization she trained with to do forest therapy She was born and  was raised in Huntington and now resides there with her 4 children and husband. She is a violinist, vocalist and teacher by training and vocation. She administers a music school in Huntington through the local YMCA. Christy lives amongst the fields of corn, wheat, soybeans and wooded lots on a small hobby farm where they have planted vegetable gardens, berries, fruit trees, and the many memories of her children’s lives. Her work with ANFT has been life-changing and the source of so much of her energy and vitality. She is currently finishing a degree in Environmental Science and Religious Studies, which is in part the result of her training and also a source for even more love and connection to her forest therapy practice.