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Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection


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TopicAccession #Description Summary
Alumni Days: 2003 PhotographsMU2012/97 Photographs from Alumni Days, May 2003 with identification of many classes and alumni. 
Board of Trustees: List Last Edited 2005Trustee List List of trustees and years of service.  Last edited 2005. 
Browne,John Jr.Faculty/Staff Boxes: Browne, John Jr. Material related to John Browne, Jr.  
Cable, Miriam Weybright: Collection of Manchester College MaterialsMU2013/139 Collection of Miriam Weybright Cable, Manchester College Class of 1939. 
Church of the Brethren History: WIlliam Eberly CollectionBC2011/25a-y 

See the accession page for a complete listing of this collection that includes but is not limited to: Indiana church history, Brethren meetings and annual conferences, sunday school materials and publications, images of Schreisheim, Germany (birthplace of Alexander Mack), Church of the Brethren anniversary materials, Brethren Service in Puerto Rico, Nathan Leopold, West Manchester Church of the Brethren early membership list, and congregational transfer of membership letters from the 1800's.

Church of the Brethren: NigeriaBC2020/12 "To Africa and Back," Stories of Roger and Natalie," as told by Natalie Troup. 
Convocation and Public Programs: PhotographsMU2017/95 

Photographs of Convocation and Public Programs sponsored by Manchester College (identified by speaker/performer and/or year).

Convocation List 1968 - 2008: RecordingsConvocation List of Recordings 

A listing of Convocation cassette tapes and recordings.  Some of these recordings have been digitized but this list does not reflect this information . 

Cordier, Andrew and Butterbaugh, Dorothy: Collection of Louise King, Part 2MU2014/52 Part 2 of the Louise Cordier King Collection of Andrew Cordier and Dorothy Butterbaugh Cordier materials. An extensive collection of intimate family photographs, documents, genealogical materials, and articles. 
Culler, Edward and Bertha Hoover Culler: Family HistoryBC2017/20 

Transcription and interpretation of the Bertha (Hoover) Culler and Edward Culler diaries. Hoover and Culler family history written by their foster son, Jacob C. Wine, Jr.

Eberly, William: Natural SciencesMU2014/102 Background material for William Eberly's book,
The Story of the Natural Sciences at Manchester College." 
Eberly, William: Office FilesMU2014/107 

Materials from Bill Eberly's files that describe his educational history, the development of Manchester's Environmental Science and public school educational programs, the history of Koinonia, syllabi, student notes (confidential), research data on Indiana and other lakes, Cordier biographical material, Indiana history, and Manchester College quips.

Forensics MC2001/110 

Detailed description of two Forensics boxes filled with materials. Included are newspaper articles, scrapbook, manuscripts from oratorical contests written by MC students: Fujii, Butler, Thomas, Childs, Dye, Mendenhall, Hoffman...and much, much more.

Grimley, Mildred HessBrethren People File: Grimley, Mildred Mildred Grimley's book, "Folk Tales," illustrated by husband, John Grimley.  The Grimleys lived among the Margi people in northeastern Nigeria and collected a treasury of indigenous stories. 
Holl, Carl Waldo Papers: Manufacturing Chemists' Association Special Award MaterialsMC2004/221 Manufacturing Chemists' Association Special Award Materials 
Holl, Carl Waldo Papers: Manufacturing Chemists' Association Teacher Award-PhotographsMC2004/222 

On 12 June 1958, Carl Waldo Holl received a College Chemistry Teacher Award from the Manufacturing Chemists' Association (MCA). 

Photographs showing Carl W. Holl and the other five winners with Mr. Ernest Hart (chairman of the board of MCA) and General John E. Hull (president of MCA).  The second shows Carl W. Holl receiving his award from Mr. Ernest Hart.

Independent Study Papers: ReligionMC2012/80a-bb Independent Study Papers: Religion. 
Kennedy, John F. and Johnson, Lyndon B.MC2010/172a,b 

Two magazines in memory of President John F. Kennedy with both giving a special section to the background of Lyndon B. Johnson.

Leckrone, Joyce: Kennedy CollectionMC2009/22 John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy magazine and newspaper collection with a Christmas card reproduced from an original painting by Mrs. John F. Kennedy with a handwritten note to Joyce from "Gladdys."  This is presumably Gladdys Muir.  
Miller, Ed and Martha: Collection of Programs and MemorabiliaMU2013/86 Handmade programs and memorabilia for MC clubs and organizations circa the 1950's. Photographs and identification of 1953 May Day Queen, Jean Childs Young and Court. Programs from Home Economics events (1950's). Oak Leaves issue announcing MC's Cherry Princess candidates. 1991 and 1992 issues of the Manchester College "Bulletin."  Photos from May Day 1956. Copy of "The Acorn," 25th year edition. 
Multicultural and International PhotographsMU2014/17 A variety of photographs documenting multicultural activities including the International Dinner, International Bazaar, College Vision Day, AAFRO House events, the Black Student Union, the Manchester College International Association, Hispanos Unidos, Brethren Colleges Abroad, special speakers, along with a wealth of  identified pictures of student participants. 
Negatives: ImagesMU2018/45 A variety of negatives and scanned images from the MC Publications Department. Pictures appear to illustrate the 1970's. Topics include: 1978 dedication of Cordier Auditorium with Andrew Young, accompanying reception in Tall Oaks, the 1978 alumni reunion, "Bus Stop" (May Day Play 1978), May Day trike and bike races, instrumental and music related photos, faculty/staff pictures, McFadden family pictures, athletic images including; Soccer, Frisbee, football, track and field, tennis. 
Photographs: Media and Public Relations, January 1998 - May 2000 - Part 2MC2012/36b 

Photographs, contact sheets and negatives for the purposes of Media and Public Relations. January 1998 through December 1998.

President's Box: #2MU2016/20b 

Major Report for "Focus on the 70's" Campaign. Materials related to the Church of the Brethren Education Query 1987-1989 with the intent of strengthening the relationship between church and education. Brethren Colleges Abroad Materials 1988 -1992.  Church of the Brethren Committee on Higher Education materials for the years 1985 -1992.

President's OfficeMU2013/103a,b,c Collection from the Office of Jo Young Switzer, President of Manchester University [CONFIDENTIAL]. 
Property Deeds, Titles, Abstracts and Articles of Incorporation and CharterMU2016/55 

Deeds of property owned or administered by Manchester College and Mount Morris College, including property divided with the Church of the Brethren. Documents of agreement between MC and Calvin Ulrey and Miriam Ulrey. Lots including Railroad Addition North Manchester (Judge John Comstock). Cook family property. Koinonia. Property associated with Eel River Church of the Brethren. Insurance policies (property/equipment/autos).

1895 articles of incorporation and charter (E. S. Young) - also documents following administration change 1900 and also the formation and dissolution of Manchester College Foundation and Holding Company.

Public Relations: News Releases and News ClippingsMU2016/1 News releases and news clippings 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 -  2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003. Not all of these releases have been recorded.  More work is needed. 
Public Relations: Photographs, Negatives and Visual MediaMU2012/122 Visual media from Public Relations that came from the Administration Building during the office moves of 2012. Reunion pictures of alumni from Class years of 1928 through the early 1990's.  Negatives from reunions circa 2000.  Photographs from reunions taking place in 2004.   
Ringenberg, Patricia: Local AuthorsMU2019/102 Patricia Ringenberg's documentation of authors associated with North Manchester, Indiana, their writings, and biographical material. 
Rupel, Esther and Annabel: CollectionMU2019/60 MU and WWII related materials from the personal collections of Esther and Annabel Rupel, including but definitely not limited to: 1987 AIDS Convocation program in memory of Amelia Sloan, MC Reconciliation Service,1991 Student Development Seminary Series schedule, Manchester College's Volunteer Corps, 1992-1993 list of new faculty at MC, 1977 Jo Young Switzer letters to Accounting Majors, Business Majors, and Finance Majors ,Fall 1997 First year Colloquium Classes, program for the unveiling of the Dan West Heifer International Permanent Exhibit, article on Dr. WIlliam Link and the plasma scalpel 
Schutz, J. RaymondMC2011/227, Folders 17 - 22  

A large collection designated as MC2011/227 and divided into 5 folder groupings; [1-16], [17-22], [23-44], [45-83]. Schutz was a professor at Manchester College, as well as a farmer, public speaker, pastor, candidate for Congress (Indiana,1932) and a contendor in the 1936 Governor's race. He was a Kiwanis Club official and Chairman of the Standard Life Insurance Company of Indiana. The collection describes Indiana before and during WWII.  Schutz corresponds with soldiers and provides names of North Manchester men killed in combat. Topics of import include; prohibition, economic recovery from the Great Depression, and Hitler's impact on Europe. Schutz was a contemporary of Andrew Cordier who participated in some of Schutz's political involvements.

Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence Folders 21-44MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files - Folders 21- 44 The materials in these folders were identified, probably by Schwalm, as "confidential files." They contain personal, College, and Church of the Brethren related correspondence.  
Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence Folders 62-104MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files - Folders 62-104 Correspondence bidding Schwalm farewell as he leaves Manchester College as Dean and heads west as President of McPherson College in Kansas.  Letters of congratulation and support and appreciation regarding his great ability. The return of Schwalm to Manchester College as President and materials related to his inaugural event. Also, The Church of the Brethren celebrates its 250th anniversary, Schwalm gives tribute to Carl Holl, Manchester College experiences challenges during WWII. Correspondence between Schwalm and students in Civilian Public Service and students in the military. Schwalm works with the Board of Trustees, and faces staff and student issues. Schwalm's retirement and gift from the Board of Trustees offering theSchwalms a trip to Europe and Africa. Career following retirement and dedication of Schwalm Hall. Materials surrounding, "My Educational Pilgrimage," by Schwalm and a look into Schwalm's life following his presidency. A small collection on the history of Manchester College. Various writings by Schwalm including but not limited to the drafts, "College Life Since World War II," "Christian Higher Education in the Church of the Brethren at Mid Century," and "The Development of the Sciences at Manchester College."  Correspondence with A. Blair Helman. 
Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence with Andrew CordierMC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files 

Decades of correspondence between Vernon Schwalm and Andrew Cordier. Cordier gives detailed accounts of behind-the-scenes activity at the United Nations during the Cold War, and the reader can watch the situation in the Congo unfold.  Cordier's role in the Cuban missile Crisis is described to Schwalm as are events on the Columbia University campus during a period of student uprising in the the 1960's. Cordier is always in the thick of things and his descriptions of political figures and events are intriguing.

Social Science Core I and II, History and Political ScienceMU2013/153, Folders 1 - 56 with Special Problems and Independent Study Papers A - Y Social Science Core I and II materials (circa1969-1976), History and Political Science, and Special Problems (1961-1983).  
Speakers and Performers at Mancheser College: Newspaper ClippingsMU2017/74 Newspaper clippings related to speakers and performers sponsored by Manchester College: Carl Holl brings General Electric Company's "House of Magic" (undated), African American baritone, William Warfield (1963), the Four Freshman  (1963), Andrew Cordier (1963), Elizabeth Eiselen  (1963), Stanton Evans (1963), Mulford Sibley (1963), Dennis Baley (1963),  Albert Ravenholt, Joe Nixon, Clay Syler (1963), Harry Zeller (1963), Ernest Simmons (1963), Bruce Ergood (1963), Rev. John Sadiq (1963), Hollis Summers (1963) Willard Hanna (1963), Rabbii Maurice Davis (1963), Henry Steele Commager (1963), George Norris (1963),  Albert Ravenholt (1963), Ralph Shively (1963), Roger Fredrikson(1963), Theodore Hesburgh (1967), "Sons of Thunder" (1973), Robert Guralnick (1975?), Floyd Fithian, Senator Gene Snowden(1981),  Alice Friman (1985), Dr. John Robinson, Kathy Kelly, Dr. Eugene Roop, Dr. Thad Godish (1991), "Sounds of Hope" European concert tour group (1992), "Redcliff" (1992), Robert Channing  (1992), Steve Geyer (1992), Roger Fredrikson(1963), Eli Chacour "Blood Brothers" (1993), The Modernaires (1993), Greg Smith Singers (1993),  Bill Pelke (1993), Governor Robert Orr, Carlos Barbera and Giandomenico Picco  (1995), Heather Forest (1995), Chuck Collins (1996), Dr. Derek Penslar (1996), Dr. William Thomas (1996), "Prayer for World Peace" presented by Tibetan Buddhist (2003), Holocaust survivors share accounts (2003), Ferenc Miczlivetz (2003),Clyde Prestowitz (2004), Scott Rutter (2004).Zia Mian (undated). Nels Ferre, (undated). 
Student Records: Faculty Grade BooksLarge Box 143 

Faculty grade books.

Tau Kappa Alpha: MemorabiliaMU2016/14 T. K. A. , a speech organization, selected only a very small percentage ofspeech students and select faculty as members.The Archivescollection contains a stencil with the T. K. A. initials and a length of chainon which cards containing the names and initiation dates of members were connected. Names included in description. 
Wine, Norman: CollectionMU2014/42 Materials related to Norman B. Wine - biography and related artifacts, diplomas, Auroras, Manchester College Bulletins reflecting his time with the Board of Trustees, congregational anniversary items for the Southern Ohio District of the Church of the Brethren. 
Winger, Otho: Peace, Temperance, and TobaccoMC2006/13: File Folder Case - Peace and Temperance  

What appear to be President Otho Winger's files on Alcohol and Tobacco which he labeled "Peade and Temperance."  Some of the materials were addressed to Mrs. Oscar Winger, his brother's wife.

Wong, AlbertoMU2018/69 International Chinese student, Alberto Wong, lived with the O. Stuart Hamer family during Alberto's time at Manchester College, The collection includes a photograph, correspondence, and Alberto's research regarding the retirement of Chiang Kai-shek, and the rise of Mao and the Communist party. 

These items in the Church of the Brethren collection may also be helpful:
Click on the record's record number to see the full record information.
TopicRecord #Description Summary
Church of the Brethren: Journey in Jesus WayBC2017/27 "Journey in Jesus' Way," original interviews and some footage, by videographer, David Sollenberger, in which members of the Church of the Brethren share their faith on many topics. 
Jett, Calvin and Pamela Love Jett: Family HistoryBC2017/18 The Calvin Jett and Pamela Love Jett family history compiled by Jacob C. Wine, Jr. 
Ladoga, or Ladoga Area Church of the Brethren: Membership Letters and RecordsBC2015/2 Early letters of members in good standing who are presumably transferring in and out of Ladoga area congregations during the 1800’s.  They contain names of members as well as names of ministers, elders,  deacons, or clerks from the recommending German Baptist Brethren and Church of the Brethren (after the divide) group.   
Meeting Houses in Indiana and Other Photographs: Church of the Brethren ImagesBC2014/8 

Pictures, postcards and photographic reproductions of  Indiana Church of the Brethren meeting houses, and some noteworthy individuals within the denomination.

South Central District: Collection of MaterialsBC2014/10a-g 

An assortment of  items found in basement of the South Central Indiana District Office building.  Some interesting items include a notebook containing Funerals at the Eel River Church along with obituaries of individuals who died in the area.

The Walnut Street MessengerBC2011/7 A historically interesting publication published by the Walnut Street Church of the Brethren, North Manchester, Indiana.  Articles on people and events 
Wine, Archibald and Kathren Jett Wine: Family HistoryBC2017/16 A history of the Archibald A. Wine and Kathren M. Jett Wine family by Jacob Calvin Wine, Jr. 
Wine, Jacob C., Jr.: Collection BC2008/12  

1.  One diary of Jacob Wine's post WWII seagoing cowboy experience transporting horses to Europe.  the war ravaged city of Bremen.

2.  Photographs of  life on board ship and of the the war raveged city of Bremen.

3.  The Jett family history.

4.  Three DVDs containing interviews with Jacob C. Wine detailing family history, family stories, personal history, the history of Hempfield Church of the Brethren (East Petersburg, PA), and J. C. and Jean's missionary experience in Nigeria, Africa (1949-1956).


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000