College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

Environmental Studies - Internship Highlights

Eel River

The 2014 Middle Eel River Watershed Interns

"I worked in both the field and the mussel lab where I helped raise juvenile mussels from glochidia to mussels of a releasable size.  Field work involved wading in streams to collect host fish and snorkeling to collect gravid mussels.  Lab work included feeding mussels and host fish, cleaning and maintaining culture systems, following survival rates of juvenile mussels, and more. It was a great opportunity and an awesome experience.  I was exposed to new experiences and techniques in both the field and the lab.  I made good friends and important connections in my field.  I couldn’t have asked for a better summer!" - Peter Bauson `15

The 2014 Paired Watershed Research Interns

My research was about hydrology and I never thought I would get excited about stream discharge and calibrating streams. Another technician, Josh, was able to help me with the research by going out in the field and collecting measurements. I learned how to be efficient at working in a lab tests with other interns. Hands-on experience showed a side of science which I did not know before, but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would."  - Morgan Hill `13