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Featured student: Devin Jenkins '14

Three semesters before she can take the CPA exam, Devin Jenkins ’14 already has a job lined up.

That’s how strong Manchester’s accounting program is.

At the end of her summer internship with Crowe Horwath LLP in South Bend, the huge CPA firm offered the junior a full-time job – after she completes the necessary 150 credit hours.

“Devin is one of our stars, and we are extremely proud of how she, and other students like her, represent the Department of Accounting and Business and the University,” said Professor Timothy A. Ogden ’87, department chair.

“The fact that we continue to see students across all of our departmental majors find good jobs in this difficult economy is testament not only to how talented they are, but also to how hard they work and to the professionalism that they exhibit in their interactions with other business people.”

Devin, who’s also on the Dean’s List, landed her summer internship with Crowe Horwath with the help of MU Career Services, which coordinates on-campus interviews with employers. It was a perfect match.

“We were impressed with her level of motivation and desire to learn. We can’t wait to have her back,” said Devin’s supervisor at Crowe Horwath, Jessica Haugen, senior staff auditor.

Devin, a Niles, Mich., native, graduates in December 2013, then will focus on studying and sitting for the CPA exam. She’ll start her employment with Crowe Horwath in September 2014.

Manchester’s accounting and business programs and its students are well-respected in the field, consistently stepping right into their careers after graduating and/or passing the CPA exam. Current students seem well-positioned to continue the trend.

“Five students in our department accepted full-time positions before the start of the fall 2012 semester – two will graduate this December 2012, two will graduate in May 2013, plus Devin,” said Ogden.

Manchester alumni can get the same great assistance that Devin received from Career Services, which also helps students prepare their resumes and coaches them on interview skills. Visit the Career Services website at

By Kathryn Miller ’13

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