S - Student (Peer) Mentor Program
Each student will have a student mentor assigned prior to starting the program, serving as a valuable information and communication resource.
M - Faculty Mentor - Student Mentee Program
In the Faculty Mentor- Student Mentee program, students find support and encouragement from a faculty mentor as they make important academic and professional decisions. The role of a mentor goes beyond academic advising, course planning and goal setting. Mentors are role models and provide support with personal and professional matters, and are guided by Manchester’s mission to “graduate persons of ability and conviction.”
A - Academic Support
Academic support includes programs, resources and structures that promote academic success. The program, in conjunction with the University Student Success Center, provides resources to our student body.
R - Referral System
The Referral System provides an opportunity for concerned members of the Pharmacy Program community to reach out and offer help and assistance to students in the program.
Contact the Office of Student and Alumni Experience to make a referral.
T - TeamWorks
Students work in teams during each academic year. Teams are designed through the analysis of personality, learning styles, and other demographic variables. Faculty utilize this team structure during their courses to facilitate assignments and class projects.
Staying on Track
We hope you never fall behind. But it happens sometimes, so Manchester has created Academic Check, a support system for students who may be struggling in certain academic areas.
The purpose of Academic Check is to identify students in academic difficulty early in the semester, address any academic issues, and provide counseling and resources to help students succeed in their coursework. Student academic performance is monitored at a predetermined point during each course. Students identified as being in academic difficulty will complete a self-reflection and meet with their faculty mentor and the faculty of the course(s) in which they are experiencing difficulty.
Detailed policies for Academic Check may be found in the Pharmacy Bulletin.
We've got your back, so that you can stay on track.