Gain clinical experience.
Clinical education is designed to provide experiential learning opportunities through supervised participation in athletic training practice. Experiential education opportunities were developed following the mission and vision of Manchester University's Master of Athletic Training Program and the guidelines set forth by the Commission on Accreditation for Athletic Training Education (CAATE). During the program, students will complete a series of clinical rotations which will provide them with opportunities to integrate the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom while providing care to a live client/patient population where athletic trainers commonly practice. Students are supervised by selected preceptors who are expected to guide and mentor the student in applying knowledge learned in the classroom, techniques learned in the laboratory, and compassion learned through life experience, with the goal of improving the health of the patient.
Preceptors from many different practice settings actively participate in these learning opportunities to develop experiences that will prepare students to become their colleagues now and in the ever-changing future. When completed, MAT students will have had experience with varied practice settings and patient populations. Among these, clinical rotation sites include: