College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

What is an Athletic Trainer?

Lucas Dargo leads a class in preparing sutures

Athletic trainer professionals in action

Society is increasingly interested in physical fitness and sports competition and athletic trainers help prevent and treat injuries. They are often the first health-care professionals on the scene when injuries occur and must be trained to recognize, evaluate and assess injuries, and provide immediate care. Athletic training careers are found in secondary schools, colleges and universities, in hospitals and clinics, in fitness and recreation centers, in business and industry, and with professional sports teams.

Because athletic trainers play an important role in preventing injuries and containing health care costs, demand is projected to grow 21 percent between 2014 and 2024 (from United States Bureau of Labor Statistics). Pay varies, but the average annual athletic trainer salary for those with a master’s degree is $56,347 (from NATA 2018 Salary Survey.)